Nokia 6101 / 6102
Fianally got the 6101!
My impressions so far are very, very good! The build quality is excellent. Smooth hinge, solid build, great screens, nice button feel - typical Nokia bullet proof feel. The sound is very good from both incoming and out going quality. Very clear and clean sound. Volume control is very easy to control. The speaker phone is great - that something I've wanted for a very long time!
I popped my Tmo SIM chip into the handset and viola! No problem at all! It also set the voice mail number on the "press-and-hold 1" function by itself. I was a little worried about that one! I loaded most of my numbers onto the SIM card from my other handset before inserting it - so all of my numbers a...
Look at Cingular Ringtones!!! 6102 LISTED!?!
Nokia 6102
Coming Soon???
August 29th?
Also someone said that cingular is expecting to launch something like no one else August 29th, so well see. Maybe that will be a good day.
http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B000A1 ... »
Rogers's (canada) 6101 is 850???
Something else I noticed,,,
When you flip open the handset and touch the 5 way navigator key say, UP I get the camera! Left and I get a blank new message. Right is the calendar and Down is names.
I don't really know how I found that exactly. It's really slick tho - you can get to those things in no time flat! Does yours have (do) that too?
Now I'm wondering if you can change it and have each button to open various functions. Hmm. Very neat!
Another Q. How do you alter and change the "My style 1" and "My style 2" menu items? I'm not real sure what I'm supposed to do with them. I'm guessing that it's to set a whole bunch of settings to a style (ring tone, wallpaper, screen saver, etc.) so that everything can be changed...
About the phone two colors
So I would like to know if you can choose the color you like?
And for those who have the phone, what color do you have and what company are you with?
Thank you for all responses đ
VGA Camera
wonder what the deal is?
"No matter how loud you adjust the ear volume, you can't hear the person you are talking to on the other end. Its so totally frustrating."
I know those of you who already have the phone say the audio quality is good. Wonder if there are some "lemons" out there, or maybe these guys are hard of hearing.