UTStarcom PPC-6700 / XV-6700 / HTC Apache
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keyguard problem
when I push the power button on top to keyguard the phone (this is what you do as far as I know) I put the phone in the case on my belt. Whever I get a text message or have activity on my phone it seems to unguard the keys and call the last person I talked to. This can be extremely annoying as they can hear everything said in the background crystal clear. How do you prevent this, I've played with all the settings I saw...please help 😳
I am having the same problem. When I receive a call, etc.. keylock turns off. I have even noticed that I can turn it back on with another keypress (IE button) after a good period of time sitting idle. And I too have been making acidental calls. It's almost a dealbreaker and am really thinking of returning it because of this. Still finding it hard to say it's better than my Treo. Any ideas on a fix?
I did notice the initial Sprint software (the software that is installed after the first boot after a hard reset) includes a disable buttons app but I have run both with and without the updates and see no differences (with the exception of all the extra junk apps missing) 🙂
The same problem happened with the 6600... The only thing to really do is to just press the power button on the top to turn it off again once you notice that it's recieved a message.. You usually check to see who or what the message is from anyway.. So while putting it away just press the button and your phone wont dial out.. I'm not giving a sarcastic response, just telling you what I do... DL
mort's mort saver works great. 🙂 my wife and I both have it and it is the best solution so far. The person above is correct and it is easily downloadable and automaticaly installs. Take some time setting it up properly and play around until you get settings that work for you. It isn' perfect but it is the solution. Check out Scary Bears software for duplicate notifications as well.
Thanks for the suggestion of MortSaver. I'll give it a try.
I just switched out my first PPC-6700 for a replacement because the first was having reception problems. Both had the keyguard problem. I got so frustrated with this problem that I had Sprint temporarily switch my cell service back to my old LG phone.
Even the replacement 6700, which is no longer receiving calls or messages, turns itself back on a couple of minutes after I turn it off. Sprint said this was a known issue with the device, and that it was being worked on (I'm not holding my breath).
Before the 6700 I used an iPAQ 3650 for years cabled to my LG 5350. It worked great when it was working but I found the iPAQ with PPC OS and ActiveSync to be more of a hobby than a...
all you have to do is turn on the lock passowrd and have it turn on after 0 minutes. Once you hit the button on hte top it will let you anser the phone, but nothing else until you enter your password. I have a new phone, so maybe things are different, but it is working for me.
If you are a SPRINT customer, you have a simple solution. SPRINT recently released a software upgrade to the 6700. This upgrade, supposedly, aimed at fixing the notorius FLIGHT-MODE problem, not only fixes that, but also adds some extra features to the phone. One is a keyguard.
This keyguard is simiar to the old school NOKIA keyguards, where you have to push the UNLOCK key and then a second key to actually unlock the screen. No security codes, just a two button sequence. Works great for accidental dials.
I am pretty sure there is a link on the SPRINT website. If not, post here and I will dig up the email I got and post the link here 🙂
Thanks !
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