UTStarcom PPC-6700 / XV-6700 / HTC Apache
Plagued by strange errors (hangs, degraded perfomance etc.)
I purchased the UTStarcom 6700 on Telus a couple of weeks ago.
When this phone is working it is brilliant. Unfortunately I seem to be requiring at least 1 soft reset from out of the box.
The phone is only running the standard apps and I have not installed a mini SD card. I am, however, a true power user though I try not have more than 3 or 4 apps running at once (though I have got up to 7 or 8 according to Settings->Memory->Running Programs.
What typically happens is I am using a couple of pocket MSN apps., e.g. Hotmail and IM. I may be writing and e-mail or actively using IM (which I leave running for long periods as this seems to be necessary for Hotmail to detect new incoming e-mail).
At some point I will just start g...
Very similar behaviour to the old phone, screens started breaking up. I am beginning to think this behaviour may also be correlated with MSN mobile experiencing problems.
Another *consistent* behaviour is that whenever the phone gets into problems the Settings->Memory->Main screen ceases to display the Windows Mobile 5 memory screen but instead displays the old Windows Mobile 2003 slider screen! This of course is very confusing as it reads only 0.03 MB allocated to storage and a negative number (-40.25 as being in-use!).
There is no doubt in my mind th...