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Palm Treo 700w / 700wx


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Mar 17, 2006, 10:38 PM
My son got a 700w today and I admit it, I was envious at first, but it wore off quickly.

When the unit is checking email, if someone calls you at the same time, the calls go right to voice mail! This is a HUGE turn-off for me.

I have used Blackberry's for years and never saw that happen. For a moment I envisioned dumping my tMobile Blackberry and Verizon Razr and just have one (650) unit, but my calls have to get through.

I am sure that there is a logical explanation for this, but in the end, doesn't matter, calls have to get through.

Mar 19, 2006, 5:47 PM
This is true if you are not in an EVDO area. Otherwise, the data connection will stop so you can get your call and often resume in the same place after you've finished your call. At least this is my experience with this phone and the XV6600.

Mar 19, 2006, 5:50 PM
Interesting, thanks. We are still in a 1X area (Philly/Lehigh Valley) but I hear that we will ve EVDO, soon, though there is not set date.

If your experience carries over to the 700w, I will be very happy. Very distubring to call my son and have it go right to voice mail when I know he has the phone in hand.

Thanks again, Scott

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