Sony Ericsson W300 / Z530
lock code for w300
want to Unlock Sony Ericsson W300 i
Is there a way to unlock Sony Ericsson W300 i from Fido?
thank you so much
sony ericsson & verizon
plz help 😁
major issues with my phone.
Bad battery life
Questions before I buy this phone...
2. How many speed dials are there? My previous phone had 99, my current POS has 9.
3. How's the speaker phone quality? I can't use my current b/c no one can hear me unless I scream :/
4. How long can first and last names be in the address book? Currently I think I enter 10 characters total = CRAP.
Thanks in advance!!!
Signal Reception
Speakerphone Help!!!
any help would be greatly appreciated thanks in advance.
Better W300 USB transfer speed?
I´m thinking about buying a 2GB M2 card to improve the MP3 storage, but at this speed 2GB would be a nightmare. Does somebody know if the DCU-60 is a different cable? A faster one? is this 10MB/m the fastest speed I´ll get from my W300i?
problem with voice dialing, bluetooth headset, and the w300i
The scenario is, I try to voice dial and it fails because I didn't speak clearly enough or something. If I try to voice dial again before the screen goes dark and the front screen goes dark while I'm doing it, control is transferred to the phone until I turn off the headset or redial with the headset.
Does anyone have a work around so that control is not transferred to the phone?
Ditching Protected Files
Because, seriously...the "Please pick up the phone c'mon now please pick up the phone" ringtone was clever for about 10 seconds, but I'll never use it. It's taking up wasted phone memory that could be used for, oh, ANYTHING else.
I'm not afraid of a debrand / firmware flash if that's what it's going to take.
Flash Lite
Download your text messages to a PC! »
You can download your text messages and do a whole lot more with this program, it's awesome!
Check out this website for W300I