LG VX-8300
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Slow UI Software??
Several posts have mentioned that the new flashable UI also slows things down a bit. The half-second delay on the RAZR phone was a deal killer for me. Can anyone who has a VX8300 in their hot little hand tell me how it compares? Slow? Responsive? Better than the RAZR?
i was also wondering this same thing...that slow UI was why I returned my razr in less than one day.
Its a very slow UI, but not when you use the old version, however you can turn the old version into multiple colors now. mines blue 😁
I'm really not noticing the slow UI on mine. It reacts as soon as I hit a key. The Flash-based themes have animations which take a split-second (and well worth it), but it always reacts immediately. I especially love the 'Pulse' theme.
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