LG VX-8300
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Software ?
Ok so i have an 8300and it was the first one sold here at my location. So it has the Vesrion 1 software. If i take it to get it reflashed what will i benifit and what will i lose... Does anyone know or have a version 2? I just wanna make sure i dont like lose the pic on front screen like the razor or something like that..Thanks any info. is appreciated
So, I got the software update. The only difference I could find is the mp3 player is either nonfunctional or somehow integrated into the wma player. The mp3 tracks that I had on the phone are now available in the my music menu. If there are any other changes to the phone, I did not notice them
can you do your own software update from your own computer at home?
if so, what tolls would I need and how would it be done?
sorry, i meant what tools would i need.
The flash requires the appropriate USB cable for the phone, the LG flasher software, the software image you are upgrading to and the DLL for the phone (sometimes comes with the flasher program).
How you aquire those is up to you though.
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