Palm Treo 700w / 700wx
Average Ratings

Appropriate for some...not all
My decision to upgrade to a PDA phone was job related and I figured that it would simplify my day. After reviewing available information on all of the available Verizon PDA phones, I came to the conclusion that the 700wx was the phone for me. I am overall very impressed with this machine, despite what many people might have to say about the complexities of the operating system, it isn't that bad. If you are willing to sit down for the good part of a day off and play with it, with the manual in your lap it'll come to you much easier. If you have never owned a PDA phone, and you try to use this thing right out of the box without reading the manual...have fun with that!! The battery life is outstanding and the overall speed is great as long as you restart the machine every so often (just like you do with your computer at home) and make sure the "running programs" list is kept to a minimum. These are things that I have learned on my own from using the machine; and overall I am very pleased with my decision to go with this model. For anyone who is considering one of these, but are shy of things that are too technically advanced, this machine is definitely not for you...I know they are pretty to look at, and they make you look sophisticated, it'll be a never-ending nightmare to use if you aren't willing to dedicate the time and energy required to familiarize yourself with something of this caliber.

Excellent Dive for Work and Play
Not for the technologically challenged; but, if you're a little bit hip this is a fun device. Excellent tool for professionals.
Learn the WM 5.0 OS and the programs native on the device before you start adding apps, tweaks and freeware.
This is a PPC and phone more for the professional on the go than it is a toy for students - it can be tweaked for student phone but one must be savvy to do so.
First apps should be the free ons from Palm site Sprite Backup 5.0, Treo Community Reset and Magic Button.
Phone and internet connection are excellent in the tri state area of NY where I work and play.
Design and form
Battery life when managed which can be done without third party app.
EVDO speed
Many third party apps and developer freeware for utilities, work and play.
Storage and Memory size
Supports up to 4GB SD card when right card used
Today screen can be designed for any layout desireable based upon the third party apps and developer hacks out there.
Can view anything over the internet with the proper set up. (Sling box, Orb, TCPMP)
Bluetooth connection can be unstable with the more sophisticated stereo headsets. Its v 1.2 so keep it simple here.
Headphone input needs adapter for better stereo headphones so might not be for the audiophile.
The OK button and window X on native WM 5.0 apps don't close the app, minimizes app instead, so one can really put a drain on the resources if not aware. (thus Magic Button advice above)
Soft reset button is under battery cover so if really protected cased or skinned device needs reset, it has to come out of covering. (thus the TC Reset advice above)
No Wi-Fi, but not really necessary due to EVDO strong signal strength. There are cards available that will work just fine if you know what you are doing.
The storage card holder can only hold one card at a time so if you need Wi-Fi and a storage card together this is not the device for you.

If you want a PDA, dont get this phone. If you want a good phone, Dont get this phone. The reality is, is that it doesnt have enough memory. You have to reset it multiple times a day for it to function efficiently (if it doesnt freeze up). If you just wanted a little of both and didnt want the data package, this phone isnt that great either. You must have a "pay as you go" data plan in order to receive or send pix messages. Then you end up getting charged for using data when you really didnt.
The software you can purchase for the phone isnt good either. Ive added a phone contacts list and a different ringing program and neither work good. 75% of the time I cant even tell who is calling because the software is messed up.
If you have a few programs running, then dont expect the phone to work well. It will lag.
The compability for adding email accounts on the phone isnt great either. It works, just not that often. It randomly chooses to push your emails you get through to your phone.
The programs (word, Excel,PPT, etc) are good, but take awhile to load due to once again the low memory.
Windows Media player works pretty well, but videos dont play well unless you have NOTHING else running. Most of the time you have to clear everything, then reset to play a video.
Camera is actually pretty good. Zoom is not good, but the quality of the pics are good if you have natural light. No flash tho, so if dusk, dont bother. viewing pics is painful at times because its slow and choppy. WHY? Poor memory again. Starting to see a pattern???
The touch screen is nice, but you have to disable most of the functions otherwise you have 10 windows opened up each time you make a call due to your face hitting buttons.
If you have questions, feel free to message me and ask. The bottom line is, this phone needs alot of attention to make it a good phone, starting with about 3 times the amount of memory.
Pro's= not enough to list
Con's= to many to list

No Longer Impressed
Short answer: Buy this phone and you're rolling the dice. You MIGHT get one of the ones that works all the time.
I was charged with getting PDA's for my workgroup. I tried the Blackberry 7 and 8000 series, AT&T's 8525, TREO 700P, and the Motorola Q. I decided on the 700WX after banging on those and I've had no problems with mine whatsoever. HOWEVER: I've had 3 of 11 phones replaced for basic issues like the caller not hearing the callee (Nope, it wasn't the mute button). If another call came in during a call and was ignored, dropping the original call as the other one went to voicemail. It's NOT user error and yes, we've all grown up and have learned how to use the phone. It seems to be a software issue with SOME phones (Yup, I've had them hold OK and Stop All Programs). Verizon's released version 1.22 as an upgrade, then put the word out to NOT upgrade the software due to some "issues."
Too bad, the phone has some great points that others have already pointed out.
Time to find another phone for my group though......drats.

Not satisfied
So, I am not happy with mine, part of it was I was mislead into thinking it had the same multi-media functions as the Palm version. IT DOES NOT!! NO picture mail, which was a source of great disappointment, and the camera on it isn't that great either, looks almost black and white no matter what I do to it.
I may have just gotten a bad one, but people calling me say they get an echo and it sounds muffled, even with a bluetooth headset. Battery life on it isn't bad, accessories are expensive for them. Finding programs that work with the Windows mobile is another source of irritation, from games to business there are infinitely more for the palm than for this phone.
It locks up on me, I have to fight to get the thing to turn on, it shuts itself off, lags out on the applications quite often, and is over all an irritating phone. DO NOT BUY IT!! GET A PALM AND A LAPTOP!! The ability to view all the windows office programs was why I purchased it, and they are so hard to see its irritating. The novelty of the touchscreen as well has well worn off and become a constant headache. Also for some reason the MP3 functionality of it cannot be sent through the bluetooth headset, so you have to use wired headsets, or listen to the rather mediocre built in speaker on the unit itself.
All in all, it makes a great calender and thats about it, the web browsing works well also, other than that a total waste of money and resources.

One of the better ones !
I've reviewed many smartphones, this one was the best. Blackberry was a close second. It is funny how the new Blackberry Curve looks like the Treo 700wx without the antenna. But the Treo is cheaper ( the price I got it for anyway ). I see a few negative reviews of the 700wx, they all seem to be user issues from what I can see ( yes I did get frustrated acouple times but it ended up being my own fault. Changed acouple config's on the phone and now it's better. Yes the main memory is lower but I push everything to the 2gig mem card I bought for $30. I keep the main memory clean and get rid of the junk don't load up on useless applications from the net or you will be in trouble ... which you will probably want to play with for alittle while but delete them when you are finished playing. It took me acouple of days to figure out how to use the keypad more efficently without the stylus but now it's one hand dialing.
Imported the existing contact list from my samsung with no issues. Was I ever thankful for that. Everytime adding contacts manually. Was driving me nuts.
Make sure you upgrade right away to the latest version of mobile.
Battery life
Reception is good
Build quality - I've dropped it many times
Loud speakerphone
Syncs easily with my laptop
Some software available for Windows
Tons of accessories available for the Treo models
Overall ability to have all my info on the go.
It does it all ....and more
Handles all my Excel,Word and Powerpoint needs - double bonus
Main memory could be better .... but just save your apps to your SD Card.

Treo 700W from Verizon
I have owned my Treo 700W for over 6 months and must say that there are defenite pros and cons such as:
Pros: wonderful music to download,can be used as a ringer,easy and user friendly,internet is fast, date and data are at your fingertips,no drop calls,can be silenced or mute quickly and stylus is in great location.
Cons: Slippery and falls easily,heavier than some,unable to pair with bluetooth (I had to go through 5 of them),bulky and doesn't go well with a suit,ear piece plug in is located at the bottom, get an extended battery and above all these the system always freezes during a search or pairing with bluetooth. Palm should consider these features before it goes to the public. I love the features but hate with a passion that it cannot work efficiently.

Treo 700wx is "Abby Normal"
After a tumultuous 2 ½ year relationship with my Audiovox 6600, I thought I was trading up when I purchased the Treo 700wx. I want you back 6600!! My passion to stay in with wireless sync and 3000-4000 contact, it just doesnât have what it takes to keep up. My 6600 had better overall performance.
Sure the Treo has better lines and really is as close to a one handed functional device as I have found. It has some nice additions new features like ignore call with test message, but it acts like the stereotypical peroxide bottle blonde! It doesnât have the brains to keep up. If it can complete the task at all, it takes 30 seconds or more to pull up a contact using the main screen search. Has anyone had it pull up the wrong address & phone number for a name through the main screen search? It always gets it right by going directly through the contacts screen.
Also, the pre-installed Voice Command keeps saying âsearching for contacts, try again laterâ. Two weeks later, I am getting a bit⦠angry. I fondly remember my sweet, brainy 6600 not having any of those problems, even with Voice Command I installed. Does anyone know how to fix some of these issues with the 700wx. I find it hard to believe the several year old 6600 has the same 64MB RAM that these new Pocket PCs have. If you are considering an upgrade, be forewarned that the grass isnât greener on the other side. These new Pocket PC â Phones need more memory.

700wx hands down the best!
I have owned the treo 650,700p,and the moto Q from sprint.Im here to tell you the treo 700wx is the best hands down.Very solid phone good battery life,good form factor,can edit word,excel documents etc.plus sprints network ownes!

I pre-ordered this phone in January 2006 and as of November I have had seven, thats right, SEVEN replaced by Verizon (at no cost to me)!
The first 2 just stopped turning on, the 3rd one had 4 keys that didn't work right out of the box, the 4th gave the wrong caller ID's on incomming calls, the next 3 constantly froze on me and had to do a hard reset.
All of the phones had the following problems...freezing up, random windows pop up during calls so before I could even hang up I had to close those windows.