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User: cr8tonboy

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These are the most recent forum messages posted by cr8tonboy:

Re: Ringtones
May 10, 2007, 1:48 PM
in the LG VX-8700 forum

DONT PAY FOR YOUR RINGTONES FROM VERIZON!!! They screw you with the cost of $3 per ringer, and they dont let you transfer. If you just go to www.myxertones.com you can make and/or have ringers sent to you phones, usually in the form of pix messages. I found this site from a friend, and no way will I ever pay for another ringer. The thing thats nice, is you can upload an mp3 ...

Re: 8000 to 9800
Nov 30, 2005, 5:23 PM
in the LG V VX-9800 forum

cant you also send yourself a pic from another verizon phone and attach a sound? Thats how I got a lot of ringers on my old LG6000.. I had the 7000 which allowed me to record my own ringers and I understand VZW disabled that on the 8000 model and everything newer.

Re: Memory Card info
Nov 30, 2005, 5:18 PM
in the LG V VX-9800 forum

Ok thanks... i'll check ebay and try and find bitpim.. 8)

Memory Card info
Nov 30, 2005, 10:54 AM
in the LG V VX-9800 forum

I just ordered my 9800 online yesterday for $79.99!!! I got the new every 2 credit so that made it 100, and then the website had a special just for yesterday that gave me an additional $20 off. My question is, where do I find a memory card, and what do I need to transfer mp3's and movies onto my 9800? any help is appreciated

Re: Help or suggestions?
Sep 27, 2004, 6:18 PM
in the LG VX-7000 forum

I'm looking to buy a 7000... so if you are willing to sell yours for a decent price e-mail me. Also, if anyone else on here wants to get rid of their 7000 that is in like-new or new condition, email me. Cr8tonboy@cox.net Thanks

Re: Punching a gift horse in the mouth
Aug 5, 2004, 4:53 PM
in the Motorola V710 forum

Assuming that all of a sudden those 20,000,000 just decided to quit, there is a extremely high possibility that 1/2 of THOSE left are in contracts.. so $175 E.T.F. * 20,000,000 = 3,500,000,000... And since when do 20,000,000 customers just up and decide to quit wireless service, or (ANYTHING!!!), ALL AT THE SAME TIME?!?

Re: Punching a gift horse in the mouth
Aug 5, 2004, 12:31 PM
in the Motorola V710 forum

Thats how VZW cust service works... customers bitch, bitch, bitch and they get their way. It really ticks me off b/c I work in a VZW store and it ticks me off to see customers be completely wrong about something, call customer service and using their leverage as a "valuable cust." i.e. "i've been with you guys for 3 years," or "i've got 3 phones with you guys" they get their way.. We have 40,000,000 + customers.. ...

Re: Longer Than 2: Can anyone verify?
Aug 5, 2004, 12:06 PM
in the Motorola V710 forum

but yes, it is a fed law that we cant extend cust. contracts for longer then 2 yrs.. And if you every talk to c.s. over the phone and do a contract extension, the most they can extend it for is for a year if its a verbal agreement... If they do a 2 year they have to mail you out the contract and you have to fill it out, sign it, and send it back...

Re: ah ye of little faith
Jul 19, 2004, 11:57 AM
in the Audiovox CDM-9900 forum

Dont fall in love with the MOTO menu though... from now all on all the phones, regardless of brand, will have the same menu setup as the 7000

Re: TAKE BACK 7000
Jul 19, 2004, 10:47 AM
in the LG VX-7000 forum

I agree LG are sweet phone's, esp the 7000, but no more will you have to deal w/motorola's lousy menu system. They menu setup on the 7000 is going to be on every phone that VZW puts out from now on.. That doesn't mean Motorola phones still wont suck though :wink:

Re: TAKE BACK 7000
Jul 19, 2004, 10:41 AM
in the LG VX-7000 forum

yeah, dont hold your breath dude.. its not out. I work in a VZW store and I haven't seen even a dummy phone for the 710 yet, let alone a live one.

Re: Will be out!
Jul 12, 2004, 4:50 PM
in the Motorola V710 forum

God, I hope not.. That was the worst charging design ever. Do you have any idea how many 120E's, V60's, 343's, 720's, and 730's I have swapped out b/c that lame-0 three prong charging cord is faulty? I just hope Motorola can step up their quality and not make a phone that is a complete P.O.S. like the last 5 phones we(VZW) have carried for them..

Re: V710**UPDATE and vzw employees
Jul 12, 2004, 4:27 PM
in the Motorola V710 forum

Thanks man, thats nice to hear. I just wish the general public we deal with was as mature and grateful as you!

Re: V710**UPDATE
Jul 12, 2004, 3:12 PM
in the Motorola V710 forum

I can vouch for the un-happy employee side, but its on the retail side where I work. The way things are handed down as far as policies, pricing, etc is terrible. The way that customers seem to think they can treat us retail reps is also horrendous. They seem to think that we owe them something if they break their phone. I see it day in and day out, its terrible.

Re: talk about the ultimate craps game
Jul 10, 2004, 9:45 AM
in the Motorola V710 forum

But think back to when Moto was on the verge of releasing the 720/730... How many people wanted that 720? the only other phone we(VZW) carried was the Z800... I was so excited to see a new color phone that of course i updated from my timeport to the 720. and how many problems did that phone have?! If VZW would have finished testing it and gotten all the bugs out, then its possible that phone ...

Re: 710 out 7/10
Jul 6, 2004, 8:20 PM
in the Motorola V710 forum

Sure... Its not true. If it was going to be out, we would have at least seen the dummy for it, and we haven't. We also usually get accessories a few weeks b4 a phone release. I'm a VZW rep thats how I know this.

Re: i have the vx6000, can i trade it in?
Jul 6, 2004, 7:30 PM
in the LG VX-7000 forum

well you dont really have many options. Your only choice is full ret which is $399. You do still get the $70 MIR (mail in rebate) so that helps a little, but you're looking at $329 as the cheapest way to get this phone. You could do like a fam. plan and add someone on and then get the discounted price on the 7000 and then switch the phones so the 7000 is on your # ...

Re: Let's look at the LG-7000 as a option to the CDM-9900?-Sportyross13
Jul 6, 2004, 5:24 PM
in the Audiovox CDM-9900 forum

Not that I disagree that there is a 7000a, but you actually think that if someone calls cust service, that they will have the slightest clue what is going on? they are so stupid and never know what they are doing. They screw up stuff left and right, and then send in pissed off customers into the stores where I get stuck dealing with c.s. mistakes

Re: Airtime for GIN and MobileWeb
Jul 6, 2004, 2:47 PM
in the LG VX-7000 forum

If you use it at night/weekend you're unlimited.. so download away after 9pm!!

Re: i have the vx6000, can i trade it in?
Jul 6, 2004, 2:43 PM
in the LG VX-7000 forum

No you cant trade it in.. Once you are past your 15 day trial period, you are stuck with that phone. I love my 6000 and i've never had any problems, so dont think you're stuck w/a crappy phone. VZW always has new phones coming out though to increase its customer base.. unfortunatley that means the existing cust who are in contracts cant get these new phones at a discount. Im a VZW rep, so ...

Re: Not sure if I like this phone now
Jun 28, 2004, 5:55 PM
in the LG VX-7000 forum

No, i'm quick to pick it up. But the graphic interface helped out with the idiot customers who have stupid ass questions all the time and want to know stupid crap like how to put their name on the banner or change their ringer... now its different so i have to teach "cell phone 101" to every idiot that comes in with a stupid ass question

Not sure if I like this phone now
Jun 24, 2004, 5:19 PM
in the LG VX-7000 forum

I work in a corporate VZW store and we got in 10 7000's today. I was playing around with it, and yes its a very cool phone, but I really dont like how the menu is set up. Its not like the past LG's the 3200/4400/4500/6000 Its more text based almost like the 510. This was a disappointment b/c i have been waiting for the phone to come out for 6 months. I am ...

Re: Place Your Bets People (Have Some Fun)
Jun 24, 2004, 2:53 PM
in the LG VX-7000 forum

I'm betting on July 1st because I just saw that date in InfoManager 5 min. ago

Jun 23, 2004, 6:40 PM
in the LG VX-7000 forum

It has been confirmed. I just looked on InfoManager (part of vzw intranet) and the release date has been pushed back to july first.. My guess why is because there are none of the phones in the warehouse due to the first few shipments from LG being delayed.. Suck it up guys!! gotta wait another week!! :twisted:

Re: Picture ID
Jun 21, 2004, 11:31 AM
in the LG VX-7000 forum

oh yeah, totally its a cool feature, the picture id. I cant wait to take a drunken picture of a friend and have that pop up when they call.. haha :lol:

Re: Flash
Jun 21, 2004, 10:59 AM
in the LG VX-7000 forum

yeah, thats what i was thinking. but that will suck b/c you can only use the flash then if the phone is flipped open. You cant take a self portrait in low light b/c the flash wont be there

Picture ID
Jun 21, 2004, 10:50 AM
in the LG VX-7000 forum

And another question... Can you get pic ID on the external screen??

Jun 21, 2004, 10:49 AM
in the LG VX-7000 forum

Quick question... where is the flash on this phone? I work in a corporate VZW store and we got our dummy phone in on friday, but I cant see find the flash.. is it that light that flashes when someone calls like in that video that was posted? B/c everywhere I have read said that this has a flash.. Thanks Pat

Re: I just played w it a few minutes ago - size
Jun 17, 2004, 12:15 PM
in the LG VX-7000 forum

ok cool.. thanks for the info... i thought that I had heard there was ringer ID but it hadn't been listed and i thought it might have something to do with either vzw not telling them all the specs yet, or phonescoop just sitting around w/their thumbs up their butt

Re: I just played w it a few minutes ago - size
Jun 17, 2004, 12:06 PM
in the LG VX-7000 forum

I'm going off of what dilbert had in the link that he posted... it compared the 4400 to teh 7000 and the 7000 had everything selected except custom ringtones and ringer id

Jun 17, 2004, 10:52 AM
in the LG VX-8000 forum

Yeah seriously..what is this guy on? I already put this in the vx7000 forum b/c someone was saying how great motorola phones are.. https://www.phonescoop.com/phones/p_ forum.php?fm=m&ff=430&fi=50557

Re: I just played w it a few minutes ago - size
Jun 17, 2004, 10:43 AM
in the LG VX-7000 forum

ok, but no ringer ID or custom ringtones?! wow.. that really just changed my mind on this phone

Re: I just played w it a few minutes ago-to Braveyoyo
Jun 17, 2004, 10:42 AM
in the LG VX-7000 forum

ok sorry i'm an idiot and hadn't read your post yet saying you live in LA

Re: I just played w it a few minutes ago-to Braveyoyo
Jun 17, 2004, 10:40 AM
in the LG VX-7000 forum

Where abouts do you live? I'm in the midwest and just trying to get an idea when I could expect to see it in the vzw stores. I work in the vzw corporate stores and haven't even see teh dummies for this phone yet.. but im anxiously awaiting them!

Re: Going with Motorola V710 instead now...
Jun 16, 2004, 7:04 PM
in the LG VX-7000 forum

I hope you enjoy the boatload of problems that come along with Motorola phones... can anyone say 720/730???

Jun 11, 2004, 10:53 AM
in the Motorola V710 forum

Well I can say this... this guy is telling the truth about who had the phone; i just looked the guy up in our corporate directory, and he's there.. : )

Re: phone coloring
Jun 11, 2004, 10:25 AM
in the LG VX-7000 forum

I believe it will be blue.. the reason I say this is b/c in our warehouse (i'm a vzw sales rep) they already have the accessories for the 7000, and the batteries they have specifically say blue in the SKU... hope this helps

Jun 8, 2004, 1:39 PM
in the LG VX-7000 forum

funny you say the rebates expire on june 9th... all the rebates we have in the store say June 27th.. I'm a retail rep for VZW, and have not heard a peep about either phone.. all i know is that the accessories for both are in our area-wide warehouse.

Re: no biggie but
Jun 7, 2004, 3:08 PM
in the LG VX-8000 forum

its the new(er) high speed data network. 1X/Express Network is the one that is still in existence in most of the country w/speeds averaging around 100kbps... EV-DO allows for about 5-10X faster speeds, thus allowing the sending and recieving of short video clips.. unfortunatly EV-DO is only operational in San Diego and Washington DC so far... hopefully the rest of the country is soon since they are planning on releasing these video sending/recieving capable phones soon. : ...

Re: cr8tonboy-2Qs. you cant SEND video, is that right? and also since you
Jun 3, 2004, 12:21 PM
in the Samsung SCH-A670 forum

yesh.. cant send vid yet b/c the high speed data network isn't all the way up and running... and as far as the 7000 goes... its looking good.. i had to order something for a cust from the warehouse and I saw 7000 batteries, cla's, and cases were available there... so i'm guessing sometime this month

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