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Motorola RIZR Z3


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Jul 27, 2006, 2:04 AM
over in the "MOTO2006" discussion:

cdma version have verizon ui??

will the verizon cdma version of the phone have the moto ui? or will it have the verizon one?

in my opinion, i really hate the verizon ui. so much that if this phone has it, i probably wouldn't get it.
2 replies

Sep 27, 2006, 12:21 PM

I really need the release date

I just lost my V710 (which I have insurance for, but I think theres a deductible)...and I need a new phone...the RIZR looks awesome, but I don't know how long I can sit around with no phone waiting for it to come out...Why don't they just give you the release date...I don't understand it
1 reply

Sep 18, 2006, 10:26 PM

Any Idea When?

Any idea when?...
2 replies
Killer Tomato

Jul 29, 2006, 11:04 PM

T mobile?

so.... do you guys know if t mobile is going to pick this up? anyone work for them that knows anything? i haven't bought my sidekick 3 yet because i would much rather have a tiny phone. 👀

just asking.
5 replies

Aug 10, 2006, 6:28 PM

Battery life

The specs on this phone suggest a significantly shorter amount of battery life than the other similar MOTO phones, even with the same battery. Is this due to the slider nature of the phone and the fact that the one screen is "always on"? Is there some other reason. Since I use my v3i as a MP3 player, the battery life is important to me.
1 reply

Aug 22, 2006, 7:40 PM


What is the difference between G3 and things such as edge?
1 reply

Jul 26, 2006, 11:49 AM

how much moolah?

how much do you think this would cost?
4 replies

Jul 31, 2006, 1:27 PM

NOT cingular....

Apparently a 2-mp camera is too high a resolution for Cingular to support.
7 replies

Aug 7, 2006, 9:55 AM
over in the "MOTO2006" discussion:


I had a customer come into my store with a a1200.

How much does the maxx resemble the a12?
1 reply

Jun 24, 2006, 6:59 PM
over in the "Preview: Motorola Capri" discussion:

since the z isn't coming to cdma anyone know if this will?

3 replies

Aug 7, 2006, 3:16 PM


http://www.motorola.com/motoinfo/product/details/0,, ... »

more info there, but UGH!!! why are they not offering it in a plain brushed aluminum?!?! That's what made the original RAZR so sleek and minimalist-y/functional. One would think that they'd save a poo-load on anodising paint if they left it unfinished. Not to mention the fact that it PERFECTLY matches the MacBook Pro / Powerbook series.

Poor Motorola, they always try, but...

Jul 26, 2006, 10:55 PM
over in the "MOTO2006" discussion:


I thought the endless hordes of slack-jawed yokels parading to my store to see one of "dem Razr fones" was finally coming to an end, and now all this happens!
1 reply

Aug 4, 2006, 6:53 PM
over in the "MOTO2006" discussion:

OMG Finally!!!

finally!! Motorola makes a truely high-end iDen phone!

But why does the i885 not have the external music controls like the i880?
Gertie Knock-Off

Aug 4, 2006, 4:14 PM
over in the "MOTO2006" discussion:

Peace Corps FONE / Working Assets (Sprint MVNO)

Just a thought.

The FONE series might end up being one less thing to give people culture shock.

Aug 4, 2006, 10:25 AM
over in the "MOTO2006" discussion:

Which Networks will carry these phones?

I'm a Cingular subscriber, and I'll be eligible for a new phone in January of 07...

It looks like these will be out then, but will Cingular have them? I'm assuming yes, since it's a GSM phone...

Anyone know the scoop on this?

Jul 24, 2006, 7:56 PM
over in the "MOTO2006" discussion:


I wonder, will the GSM KRZR come with HSDPA or something? I assume that when it comes out late this year or early next year, It will be through Cingular Wireless, which has made a strong push on their 3G network. Soo, you'd think it would support HSDPA or something no?..

Either way though, im very excited for the KRZR to arrive.

Hmm, I bet it'll cost like $300+ when it does.

🙄 Sho, I'd pay that much.
10 replies

Jul 31, 2006, 9:35 PM

i want this phoneee :D

ahh i want this phonee like soo bad...when will it come out? like does anyone know what month it will be coming out? and is cingular getting it?
5 replies

Aug 3, 2006, 11:21 AM
over in the "New Motorola Phones Get A Human Touch" discussion:


I saw the RAZR maxx, the RIZR z3, and the KRZR K1 all on wireless imports. They are unlocked and able to use on Cingular and T-Mobile. I don't think it is worth it though because they are all over $1,000. I just thought it was interesting that the phones were already being sold unlocked.

Go to www.wirelessimports.com

They have some snapshots of each of the phones.
Sam K

Jul 25, 2006, 10:02 AM
over in the "MOTO2006" discussion:

With the KRZR you forgot to mention...

...the A2DP bluetooth profile. The GSM version gets it but neither CDMA versions will get it. That stinks. The only way I would have considered getting this phone is if the US CDMA version had the 2 megapixel camera, QVGA screen and A2DP bluetooth profile.
2 replies

Jul 24, 2006, 8:42 PM


Wondering if there is anyone out there that knows when exactly this phone is coming out. I was going to wait till the end of this week for the LG CU500 through Cingular, but I guess I can wait a little longer for this one. I would think that Cingular would most likely get it. Thanks!
7 replies
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