LG VX-7000
Mobile Office
Thanks in advance
PLZ HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!
--piginawig44 🙂 🙂 🤣 😕 😁
Help changing mp3 to midi
New Discovery
What I was wondering was if anyone had discovered a way (possibly through the voicemail menus) to make outgoing calls through the Verizon service from a remote location (ie a land line).
Also, when I have the my missed call / busy phone forwarding, when I ignore a call it gets forwarded to the corresponding number when normally an ingnored call will go straight to voicemail. Does anyone know of anyway to vo...
If anybody is out there... HELP?!?!?!?!
CaNt wAiT!
7000 vs. 6100
Voice Memo
LG 7000 vs motoV710
But having a good camera, reception, call quality and battery are.
Ive heard from alot of people the 710 sucks, is this true or just people opinions.
Can some people help me out.
Cause my gf is gettin one of these 2 for me for chmas and want to make sure i make the right choice
need an answer
Hi v710nyc I have a question?
Blue vs Black Data Cables
Dear Customer,...
Thank you for inquiring of LG Electronics.
The only accessories that are different for the two versions of the VX7000 is the data cables. The blue VX7000 uses a pin-hole charger and the black VX7000 uses a port-style charger. Other than this, the other accessories are the same.
Please feel free to contact us with any additional questions or concerns. Thank you again for contacting LG Electronics.
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