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Motorola RAZR V3


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May 4, 2005, 2:54 PM

help with flashing

For some reason I cannot get my phone flashed with the new software. If anyone has successfully done the can you please offer a helping hand?

May 4, 2005, 2:43 AM


This is interesting! MP3 and video support!

Mobile management software provider Mobile Action added 40 new mobile phone models from major manufacturers to its support list for Handset Manager 9.0. Handset Manager 9.0 is a handset-to-PC data sharing solution, which includes new features such as PC synchronization, enhanced support for Bluetooth accessories and MP3/video support.

http://www.wirelessweek.com/index.asp?layout=newsat2 ... »

Apr 27, 2005, 2:19 PM

Razr or MPX 220

I was wondering if anyone could tell me which is the better phone. My dad recently got the 220 but it's dropping calls and reception sucks, we already know that by his s/n he needs the phone to be replaced. It's back ordered though and he was offered a Razr in place. Any suggestions?
Also, is the Razr able to receive emails?
2 replies

Apr 18, 2005, 3:26 PM

Black Razr V3 from wirelfy

Did u guys know u can buy a a black razr v3 from wirefly, but it costs 499.99.

http://www.inphonic.com/specialoffer.asp?Referringdo ... »
2 replies

May 1, 2005, 1:54 PM

v3 battery problem

i've noticed twice that if a battery runs completly out it won't charge again and the only way to get the phone working is to put another battery in it
i work in a cingular store and the first time i've seen it was whet one of the workers left a v3 on by mistake over a long week end so when we got back it whouldn't turn on or charge at all even after a few hours being pluged in
today a customer had their razr bat empty too and nothing got it to charge not the adapter or the usb cable which i know works works

Apr 23, 2005, 11:11 PM

V3 battery question

Just to clear up that I don't have an issue with V3's actual battery life.

But V3's battery charging status is confusing. I like to put my razr to charge when I go to sleep at night so I know I will never run into problem the next day. But the battery bar will switch between 2 and 3 bars at the end of charging and if I go to the phone status/battery status, it will usually show the battery life at +4 while the charge is connected to the phone. Only to remove the charge will the battery status give me accurate account at full bar +6.

Anyone else notice this?
3 replies

Apr 18, 2005, 2:46 PM

Whatever Happened to Cingular's 100 Day Exclusive?

When the V3 first came out in November, it was supposed to be Cingular's alone for 90/100 days. That ended in February. Why is Cingular still the only carrier? Any info/rumors? T-Mobile doesn't think they can sell it? What's the buzz?
9 replies

Mar 31, 2005, 12:38 AM

Worst phone I had!

I have had this phone for about a month now and I think that I can say that this is the worst phone I've had in about 8 years. The voice dial is a joke, the address book is slow responding and the software design hard to use.

This is the sixth Motorola phone I've owned. The first was a traditional car phone. my first portable wasn't a Moto phone but i came back because Moto was the easiest to get accessories for. My first Moto portable was a StarTac. That was a good phone.

This experience and the one I had with the v710 has made me question buying another Motorola phone. Although the faults with the 710 are the fault of Verizon's greed and not Motorola's stupidity.
8 replies

Apr 25, 2005, 7:40 PM

Download App from Handango

I've been trying to download a Java app from Handango. It's listed for the Razr. I receive the SMS, follow the instructions, and when I get to the actual download step, I receive the message "download failed." I am connecting to the web and have downloaded a ring tone from Cingular's site.

Anybody else had similar issues? Any ideas? Handango, after several e-mails, says "don't know." They have sent me the SMS twice.

Apr 23, 2005, 3:08 PM

Razr bluetooth link with Audi A 6

I just got a razr and happy with it for a lot of reasons. I had a v600 that was not working consistently and decided to pay$ for the cool razr. My issue is that when in my car and talking through the connected bluetooth, the only way to end a call is by pressing the end button on the phone. This is a change verus my v600 which would shut off either by hitting the end button on the phone OR by pressing the softkey on the Audi's MMI. The car has a softkey in the MMI - multi-media interface that should allow me to end the call, but it doesn't work. I can in fact end the call, but then the MMI stays in phone mode and will not come out of it until I shut the razr off. The v600 had problems, but not this one. Has anyone out there experience...
3 replies
The Equalizer

Apr 14, 2005, 11:26 AM

Can you use the RAZR in Austraila...

If someone purchases a cingular Razor will it work in Austalia??? Or would it have to be a phone designed for use there...

3 replies

Apr 21, 2005, 11:21 AM

key imprint on my screen

I have the motorola V3 Razr i dont know anyone else who has this phone i was wondering if anyone has a problem with the design of the keys showing up on their main screen sometimes. i figure its just dust getting in the groove of the keys hopefullly, or am i just closing the phone too hard???
2 replies

Apr 20, 2005, 4:40 AM

Java Games/Applications

Anyone know if it is possible to copy java apps/games to the V3. Just got a the software that came with the cable doesn't seem to support it.


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1 reply

Mar 7, 2005, 5:25 PM

s710a or Razr

I am getting ready to either purchase the new Sony Ericsson s710a or the Razr. Reception quality is the main criteria for me, since I live in a rural area. Naturally, both phones have cool features. In addition, I read somewhere that a newer version of the Razr is soon to be released with EDGE capability. Are there any recommendations? Thanks!
5 replies

Apr 12, 2005, 8:14 PM

voice dialing

does the razr have speaker independent like the v710 or the old boring kind that u have to pre program all the names?
1 reply

Apr 6, 2005, 8:01 PM

RAZR/Cingular/Text messages.....Please Help...Any Ideas?

So I used to be on AT&T with a TDMA nokia phone. I was extremely hesitant to move to cingular but my phone was 2 years old and on its way out the door. In order to upgrade my phone I forced to switched to cingulars GSM service. Not happy but ok fine. So I get the Razr and switch my service over only to find out that receiving text messages is no longer included.

Here is the major problem. I get about 10,000 text messages a month sent to phone for work purposes. They are sent as emails from exchange to a distribution which my phone is one of the members. I never ever send text messages. I have gone through 4 different Cingular cust svc reps all giving me different information. Finally I got a tech person. The emails wont come through when...
6 replies

Apr 15, 2005, 4:09 PM

loud while charging

Hi, is there anyway to stop it from going into loud volume every time u connect the charger. I mostly charge it at the office and get some strange looks when it goes “hello moto” at full volume. 🤭
4 replies
Double Take101

Apr 16, 2005, 2:11 PM

Motorola V3 SE Black Edition

Does anyone know of some good deals for the special Razr Black Edition. If they do, would you please paste it in your response. Thanks.

Apr 14, 2005, 6:35 PM

Syncing to a Mac

The Razr (and other Moto BT phone) owners out there will be happy to know that the upcoming OS release will sync over BT.

Apr 14, 2005, 6:04 PM

SMS question - V3 and a Sony Clie NZ90

I use a Sony Clie NZ90 PDA in my daily life.

Before I got the V3 I used a S/E T637. With it I was able to send and receive SMS text messages from the NZ90.

Now, using the V3 I am only able to send SMS text messages. Am I missing something to be able to receive messages also?


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