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Jul 3, 2007, 9:39 PM
over in the "Review: iPhone" discussion:

iPHone Gets Off Easy

While I applaud the level of detail in this review, I have to say I am somewhat dissappointed in the fact that the significant shortcomings of this 1st generation device are just glossed over in favor of the slick interface. I read this forum quite frequently but post rarely. However I just had to point out some observations:

Any other device, from any other manufacturer with this appalling lack of features retailing for $500-$600 would ordinarily get creamed in this forum. Some of these missing features are as follows:
1.) No UMTS or HSDPA support, EDGE only.
2.) "Crippled Bluetooth" I believe the only services supported are Handsfree and Headset. No OBEX! Lack of this service in particular seems to always bring accusations of fascist ...
13 replies

Jul 10, 2007, 7:46 PM

Instant Messaging

I have been able to use messaging on my phone. I cannot tell who is online, but they can send messages to me and then I can send messages back. I was able to access this through mobil AIM and used the HTC 8125 as the phone connected to my number. I am now available to all who are on my buddy list!

Jul 1, 2007, 8:13 PM

ATTREP's Comment on 3G Networks

For working for AT&T, you must be one of the most uninformed reps. I don't even work for a cell phone company and I know more about the technologies than you do! LOL.

The technology that Sprint and Verizon have delpoyed (CDMA2000 1X EV-DO Rev. A) is a 3G technology! AND it is SO, SO much faster than the EDGE that AT&T has across most of it's network. The 3G technology that AT&T does have deployed is in a very limited number of cities, is actually slower than Sprint and Verizon's, is actually based on CDMA NOT GSM!!!!! (that's why it's called WCDMA, duh), and was actually deployed AFTER Sprint and Verizon's.

Get the facts straight next time. Obviously CDMA is the technology of the future and not GSM. Data speeds are so much faster and ...
10 replies

Jul 10, 2007, 5:09 PM
over in the "Review: iPhone" discussion:

2 Important questions

A. Does anyone know, since apparently you cant download ringtones, can you at least use a song off the hard drive as a ringtone?
B. There seemed to be no mention of a zoom on the camera. Is there one and how strong is it?
1 reply

Jul 7, 2007, 4:38 PM
over in the "Review: iPhone" discussion:

i-Phone on Verizon

In these posts, I've often seen the "Verizon was offerd the i-Phone first" line to "prove" the superiority of Verizon. Now we are saying it was offered to Verizon twice!! Well let me add to that, Steve Jobs himself came crawling on his knees to the CEO of Verizon and offered him 50% of the APPLE Corp. if he would only allow APPLE to become a part of "THE GREATEST CELL PHONE NETWORK IN THE HISTORY OF MANKIND" (Steve Jobs words, not mine). Obviously, the head of Verizon kicked Jobs in the face and said "we have chocolates, why would we want you!", and sent Steve Jobs off to the hinterlands of ATT, where the phone will obviously not sell at all. I keep walking through the mall, and the ATT reps are handing them out for free w/ the purchase of a...
7 replies

Jul 10, 2007, 2:49 PM

FINALLY - A very cool app for iPhone by Google - Telekinesis!

Anyone heard of Telekinesis? It lets you control and stream nearly all of the media on your computer to your phone via Safari - anywhere you have a net connection. You can even turn on your cam and monitor the room your computer is in! These are the kind of apps I'm getting excited about!

http://code.google.com/p/telekinesis/ »

Jul 10, 2007, 9:21 AM

Huge update coming to the iPhone?

"I met with my buddy from Apple for Coffee today, I told him I loved the interface, and all the great subtle little features it has that makes it so easy to use. I then told him I really, wanted a File System Access so I could store files, download images from the web, and generally carry around data, not just load it up from iTunes..

He said Apple IS absolutely BUILDING this, and it will come in a software update no later than when Leopard ships in two months (there will be updates before this)

Here is what he said:

There will be a build in file browser like the new finder in leopard for sorting through files

There will be a disk mode

The reason that there currently isn't a file browser + way to save files from web is because...

Jul 10, 2007, 12:09 AM

iChat, IM, and BEEJIVE questions

iChat an Apple program for IM? I used to use AOL, Yahoo, and MSN IM on my Razor V3xx.

Any news if this will be available soon for iPhone?

And what is BEEJIVE?
1 reply

Jul 9, 2007, 11:42 PM

Hey Guys...

Can anyone tell me if it's possible to see clips and videos through Safari? Let's say I wanted to go through the youtube site itself to watch a video, It always tells me that I "do not have an updated version of the macromedia flash player". Is this something I can get installed or you just can't watch video's on the browser period?

Jul 9, 2007, 10:20 AM

New IM program available

it looks like jivetalk is now available for iPhone. It looks great...

1 reply

Jul 9, 2007, 2:17 PM

Back in Black (berry)

I tried to love it. I really did! But for all of its bells and whistles, its glossy lipstick and high heels, it's just not the BB! I understand it never claimed to be, but still it sucked me in like a moth to a flame! So while it hurt so good to stray for one week, it's Back in Black(berry) for me! LOL!
1 reply

Jul 9, 2007, 10:21 AM

AT&T survey hints at iChat on Apple iPhone?

On the heels of bad press about its activation and customer support processes, AT&T last week began sending a survey to some iPhone customers asking them to rate various aspects of their iPhone experience. One page of the survey asks "Now, based on the scale below, please rate the EDGE data network performance when using each of the following applications on your Apple iPhone." The survey oddly asks for feedback on Apple's own iChat instant messaging application -- which of course, is not available on the device, but is much reqquested feature. Some speculate that it could be a precursor to an iPhone software update to include iChat on the phone; however, it could simply be a mistake on the part of the survey writer, perhaps conflating iChat...

Jun 23, 2007, 5:52 PM

Ringtones for the iPhone sold on iTunes 7.3?

The recent launching of the Apple iPhone has got the industry talking about the ringtones market. Apparently, Apple also wants to join in the fray:

Jobs wowed the applauding Macworld Expo crowd when he showed them how to navigate iTunes content using a finger on the touchscreen. The report also shows the device can be used to scroll through collections by using the first letter of the artist’s name; ‘Letter scrolling’, the report calls it.

Finally — and perhaps most impressive — the report also looks at ringtones, speculating that Apple will sell ringtones for the iPhone through the iTunes Store 7.3.

Supporting this proposition, the report looks at a photo of the sync interface for the iPhone, which clearly shows a ‘Ring...
3 replies

Jun 30, 2007, 9:51 PM

Negative Reviews Planted?

Is it just me- I feel a great deal of these negative Iphone reviews are being planted by the competing phone companies-they all sound pretty similar-almost likes it's a campaign for people not to spend money on this unique phone
12 replies

Jul 7, 2007, 1:03 AM

iPhone after 2 day use

Ok look I purchased THE i phone 2 days ago at first i was in AWWW.... But as time passed i realized that batteries life is very short and i mean short . ok i work for a bank and most of the time my phone is turned off for about 8 hours and when i am done with work i turn it back on but battery life is half and EDGE is Super Slow. I have to say AT&T service is very good as far as reception, however if you are going to spend 600+tax 8.25%in CA you want a phone which you can hear the ring tons,speaker, and the other person in the back. I think its a fun phone to have it around but it IS not worth of that much money i mean come on i am not saying this just because i am mad with them or anything like that. Its just seriously not worth of it, and ...
5 replies

Jun 28, 2007, 2:00 PM

Iphone buyer beware!!!!

I'm not gonna crap all over the phone or anything like that, I just wanted to point out two things. Be VERY careful with that iphone because:
1. No Insurance!
2. I'm from New York City, and when the ipod was at it's peak, people were getting beat up and in some cases killed over them. Young people, pls don't show that thing off while riding the A train...
6 replies

Jul 4, 2007, 7:44 PM
over in the "Review: iPhone" discussion:

Apple can add features via software updates

Don't forget that since the iPhone's interface is almost entirely software based, a lot of the missing features that people complain about can and probably will be added via software updates. Voice dialing, ringtones, and Bluetooth enhancements are three that quickly come to mind. Ringtones is almost a certainty since it was shown on one of the iTunes tabs in Apple images related to the iPhone. Apple probably had a number of additional features in mind but not enough time to get them in before their ship date.
2 replies

Jul 2, 2007, 10:16 AM

iPhone sales said to hit half-million

iPhone sales said to hit half-million
New Apple device lives up to the hype, availability mixed at Apple Stores heading into new week.
July 2 2007: 8:22 AM EDT

NEW YORK -- Opening weekend sales of iPhones may have reached 500,000, according to an analyst's estimate, as Apple's much anticipated product saw sales that lived up to and even exceeded its hype.

Piper Jaffray's Gene Munster released a report Sunday night estimating that the iPhone sales would reach that mark through the close of business Sunday. He had previously forecast first weekend sales of 200,000 of the device, which sells for either $499 or $599.

"Overall, Apple met strong demand over the weekend with adequate supply," he wrote in the report. "We were surprised by...
2 replies

Jul 8, 2007, 12:39 PM

Question about Safari

If I am surfing the Internet using Safari on my iphone, is there a way to select and save a picture from the internet on my phone. As an example, on my laptop if I wanted to save a pic I found on the internet, I could right click and save. Anyone know?
1 reply

Jul 8, 2007, 11:33 AM

Syncing iCal

Just a quick question. When I sync my iPhone, if i have put items and events into my calender on the phone, it will not update them on my macbook when I sync. Is this a configuration issue? or is it just not possible to sync from the phone to the computer?
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