LG V VX-9800
Thinking Logically/ mp3 player
From what I hear- your emails come every hour and ur IMS a charged if- and the only thing u get garunteed is a mp3 player- a camera and a phone.
I love it, but it's going back.
Check out pics here...
http://www.flickr.com/photos/arturodeguzman/sets/105 ... »
(from my nano-review in the User Review section)
Where to buy accessories?
Also with the USB cable -- does the one for the 8100 work with the 9800?
Camera Lens
What BT Headsets are you using?
9800 Added To Manuals In Motion
http://www.verizonwireless.com/b2c/howTo/manufacture ... »
9800 Owner Comments
The interface is very intuitive, I have managed to configure the phone to my liking. The backlight for those who need to know is blue. The backlight is timed and is configurable for external, internal and t...
9800 TO LAUNCH TOMORROW, 10/01/05...
Overall quality is very nice. Good "fit and finish!" The keys feel great on both the front keypad and the QWERTY keyboard inside. Very solid and confidence inspiring!
I like that you can also enter extra characters, like Spanish "tilde" and other accents.
The outside screen is so-so. The inside screen is about the same as 8100, but not as nice as 8000.
The camera seems to be about the same as the 8100, but I didn't try it much. Again, it's not as good as the 8000 camera, though.
Using the QWERTY keyboard is very nice and easy....
wireless sync costs $19.99 a month, Mobleweb $5 per month
If I wanted to really pay for data I would get a PDA phone, and get real data. I thought this was going to be a great alternative, and the $$ saved would make up for not having WiFi or real Internet access.
I am disappointed.
It is a slick little phone, but the marketing on this led me astray. It is going back to the store tomorrow.
Switch from 8100?
I have had numerous 8100s as no one seems to want to listen to me @ the store and they keep switching out my phone. All the problems I had were fixed with the software update (V04) EXCEPT the fluctuating earpiece volume (I have it set on High w/ Auto Volume off).
So, opinions?
I was told through Customer Service that I'd be allowed to get the 9800 and pay the difference.
Is it silly....
9800 is here. Battery conditioning?
Inputting information
Loving It
My biggest complaint with the internal keypad is the location of the spacebar. It's off to the right...not directly center like I am used too.
The quality of the speak phone is amazing...however...does not work if the phone is closed. If you have the speaker phone turned on and you close the phone, it automatically shuts off the speaker phone. It does keep the call active, you can switch between speaker on non-speaker by opening and closing the phone.
I played with the card reader and found that it's a neat toy......
Backlighting color?
As a PDAphone replacement
I have not used VZemail or wireless sync. This seems like it would be a great phone for me if I can use it wireless to view and enter new contacts (and have them sync to my Outlook) and read and reply to email (and still retain those messages on my Outlook account)
Does this phone do all that? Does anyone have images of the contact screen or a shot of what it looks like to read email on this phone?