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Oct 28, 2003, 12:09 PM

message confusion

I'm a Sprint "newbie" and am confused and disappointed by Sprint's messaging facilities ... they weren't what I expected ... but I understand that changes (improvements?!?!) are coming. I'd like to better understand the messaging systems out there ... can anyone recommend where I can get info on the various standards (including the newer ones: EMS & MMS)?
9 replies

Nov 17, 2003, 12:37 PM

What about text messaging?

i was reading the specs for the 5500 and 5400 and they say text messaging but the 5400 uses shortmail will the 5500 have text ??
2 replies

Feb 9, 2005, 5:54 PM

Porting out (disconnecting) mid cycle

Listen up ladies and gents. I have a genuine concern dealing with someone close to me:

This gentleman's contract with Sprint was long expired and he was on a month-to-month basis. His cycle date was teh 1st of the month. He ported out his service to another provider on January 5th. His final bill from Sprint billed him from January 1-January 31. 😳 Obviously, this former customer did not receive service of any kind from Sprint after January 5th. However, he was advised by a customer care representative that there will be no adjustments made for the days he did not have service. He was advised "it's the policy." This customer will not pay these charges as he sees no reason to pay for a service he's not getting, but is of course wi...
26 replies

Feb 12, 2005, 2:56 PM

Sprint/Nextel phone rumor!!!!

Ok, I was told by my sprint rep that when sprint/nextel rolls out the Motorola phone that opporates off both iden/pcs that current nextel and sprint customers have to buy the phone. I dont think that sounds right, does anyone know the knfo on that. See I can trust her cause she seems kind of slow sometimes.
2 replies

Feb 12, 2005, 8:30 AM

Roaming question in middle TN

I'm currently a VZ customer with both personal and business accounts in Nashville, TN. VZ service in this area is excellent.

My employer (a university) has chosen Sprint as their preferred provider and Sprint has done a good job of using repeaters to provide signal throughout the buildings on campus (no VZ service inside) and does give a good discount so it's tempting to switch my business line.

The problem is that people I know that use Sprint still complain of no/poor signal once you get out of the city or off highways in middle TN. Frankly, I don't understand why I should get service with VZ and people with appropriate phones who pay for roaming on their accounts should lose service. Is this a PRL problem between the 2 companies?...
2 replies

Feb 10, 2005, 7:19 PM

Email and text message size

I've sent several emails and text messages from my sanyo vm4500 phone. The maximum capacity seems to be about two lines of text. This is highly inadequate. I contacted CS and they told me the size should be about 10kb. The maximum size allowed for the messages I've sent is about 2kb. Any suggestions or information would be appreciated.


Feb 9, 2005, 8:01 PM

Quick Question...Need Help

What is the email/phone address for Sprint phones? I've been tryin' to e-mail my friend on her phone, but she said she doesn't know the address.
4 replies

Feb 8, 2005, 9:20 PM


Hello everyone! I have a Samsung A-620 and I can't figure out how to check my minute usage with my handset.. Can anyone show me what #'s to press?.. LOL... thanks in advance..

3 replies

Feb 7, 2005, 2:45 PM

Sprint Coverage in Central Ohio and Beyond

Hello. I've just been screwed over by Cingular (I was an ATT customer) and am thinking of moving to Sprint. I'm concerened about Sprint's network in the central Ohio area. How strong is Sprint's digital coverage? If the phone can't recieve a Sprint signal, will it jump onto the ATT/Cingular network that it so strong here? What happens when I go out into a rural area? Much of the time my existing ATT/Cingular phone can't find a digital signal is spends the day on analog when I'm outside of Columbus. I'm looking for input from anyone who can tell me if Sprint's service is good enough for me in this area.

Jan 24, 2005, 2:39 PM

Sprint in New Jersey

I'm looking at possibly moving to Sprint, not because of their call plans, but because I'm thinking of a Sanyo phone and they're the only carrier with Sanyo.

Can anyone advise how good or bad Sprint is in Northern NJ and NY.

5 replies

Jan 31, 2005, 12:06 PM

multi call. multicall. multi-call.

What exactly does it mean when a SprintPCS Nokia 3588i displays the terminology...
multi call
1 reply

Jan 30, 2005, 4:38 PM

Free and Clear America 100% roaming

I've got a friend that temporarily relocated in Kanab UT 84741 area. He was in the Denver market not roaming at all.

He loaded up his motorhome, signed up for
F&C America, and was on his way to Arizona.

Problem is he stopped in Kanab UT for the past few months. He was unaware (until I informed him) that he was only suposed to roam 50% of the time.

I looked at his online invoices and, WOW, he's been roaming 100%, using an average of 650 of his 850 peak mins a month! He has not one "home" (Sprint) minute.

How long can he get away with this?
Will they call to warn him? Or just take the roaming feature off of his account?

I was thinking of doing an ESN swap, his phone and my phone. That way he could roam on my account fo...
16 replies

Jan 18, 2005, 6:51 PM

WIll Sprint Buy out your contract with a competitor

I have seen people posting in forums on this website that Sprint has offered to buy potential customers out of their contracts with competitors if they switched to Sprint. Does anyone know if this is true? I was just curious.
5 replies

Jan 22, 2005, 7:26 PM

Question about merger

When is the merger expected to go thorugh. currently i have verizon and i need information on sprint can someone help
9 replies

Jan 29, 2005, 12:01 PM

Sprint 4Q Report available yet?

I just wanted to know what Sprint's numbers looked like. Went through the forum didn't see a thread, I may have overlooked it. Anyone have the info?

Not flaming, just keeping up with the industry. 😉
3 replies

Jan 30, 2005, 12:39 AM

switching to sprint MUST READ!!!!

NEVER!!!!!! for any cingular or verizon customers who are considering leaving either of those two companies to go here or with nextel you would have to be out of your mind!!!!
13 replies

Dec 31, 2004, 1:56 AM

employment with sprint, good? bad?

currently I'm with VZW as a sales rep. sprint might offer me a job and i was wondering how you guys like it. has anyone gone from VZW to sprint?
11 replies

Feb 3, 2005, 10:06 AM

Sprint Corp. Retail Locations

Hi, I'm a rep with Cingular in a retail location thinking of going elsewhere. I'm hoping some of you folks have some feedback for me on what it's like to work for Sprint? Can you tell me anything about the commission structure/benefits, etc.??

I'd appreciate any information you could give me.
1 reply

Feb 1, 2005, 11:56 PM

Deals for contract renewal?

I'm looking for advice / general information to try and get the best possible deal when I renew my contract (it expired quite a while back). I'm looking at getting the Sanyo MM-5600 when it comes out in the next couple months, and I should get a $150 rebate automatically through Sprint's Handset Upgrade Program since I've had my current phone for ages. I know I qualify for this since I've had it checked in-store.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't Sprint offer discounts on phones if you sign up for a contract? If so, could I get that discount PLUS the $150 handset upgrade rebate? Or can I only do one or the other?

Also, seems like Sprint used to offer perks for renewing a contract, i.e. free 7pm night/weekend minutes (they sent me so...
4 replies

Dec 20, 2004, 8:51 PM

Sprint Prepaid?

Does sprint have a prepaid service?
4 replies

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