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Mar 26, 2005, 4:45 PM

Customer Complaints?

Where have all the customers that complain gone? That's the only thing I like on here is that I can bad mouth them and they don't know who I am. 😈
14 replies

Mar 29, 2005, 6:55 PM

2004 full year customer complaints for the carriers.

http://cdn.consumerreports.org/static/0503cell0.html »

there is a huge chart of all the carriers especially sprint

Mar 29, 2005, 6:26 PM

fcc's 4th quarter complaint list from the WSJ for providers.

cingular= 4.6 complaints out of 100k customers
tmobile= 4.3 complaints
nextel= 2.3 complaints
sprint= 3.6 complaints
verizon= 1.4 complaints

I would post the whole thing, however, it is too long.

Any discussions please share.

By the way its from the 4th quarter of 2004.

Mar 13, 2005, 11:40 AM

Sprint and the North East

I have been a sprint customer for almost five years and recently started looking at cingular and verizon. I live in the Philadelphia area and feel that Sprints service is competitive but I am starting to get frustrated with the new phones. I don't feel like anything great has been released and was wondering if sprint has plans to release anything with bluetooth in the near future. I want to stay with Sprint but need a little convincing. Somebody please talk me off the ledge!!! Is Sprint the best provider if so why??
7 replies

Mar 18, 2005, 11:48 PM

Virgin Mobile and Sprint

Does anyone know if you can send picture mail from Sprint to Virgin Mobile and Virgin Mobile to Sprint????
1 reply

Mar 25, 2005, 11:44 AM

samsung a680

My husband has the a680. He does not like the mirror on the display. He wants to see the time, missed called & all that stuff. Does anyone know how to do that? There is nothing in the manual. Thanks 🙂
1 reply

Mar 24, 2005, 8:33 PM

Help! Best Buy warranty?

Okay, is this illegal or what?
In late November I bought the 7400 just to replace my messed up VGA1000. The only reason why I got the warranty was the fact that there is the option of upgrading your phone. Now I have decided I want the 5600 and called 1-888-BestBuy hotline. The lady told me that Best Buy USE to offer the upgrade option but NOT ANYMORE. I was never notified of this. So, is this illegal of what Best Buy has done?

ps. My business law teacher has told me to go to the store and talk to the District Manager and tell them, "If I can't get an upgrade, I'm going to file a small claims report to the Better Bussiness Beareu." -Do you think this would work too?

Thanks in advance!
4 replies
big d

Mar 23, 2005, 8:28 AM

Renewing Contract

I am considering renewing my contract. However, the cancellation desk does not want to give me bonus minutes. Currently, getting 650 peak and 3000 off peak for $35.99. Great deal given thru retention 2 years ago. Any suggestions on how to get more peak minutes at same rate. I would sign for two years...

2 replies

Dec 27, 2004, 8:51 PM

No Discount on Treo 650 at the Sprint Store

I went in to the Sprint store in Wichita, KS today to look at the Treo 650. I wanted the phone mainly because I would like the Bluetooth capability for my car. The price posted was $599 with a $150 rebate if you signed-up for a 2 year contract.

I presently do not have any commitment to Sprint and I purchased my last phone used from a friend 6 months ago, as my previous one broke and I didn't have insurance - which I do now. (Treo 600 which has been a great phone).

As I was getting ready to purchase the phone the sales rep checked my account and told me I was not eligible for any discount or rebate because I had not had my used Treo for 18 months! I was perplexed; I explained I had no commitment to Sprint and that if I was willing t...
17 replies

Mar 23, 2005, 7:53 PM

How to Qualify for a Rebate after 6 yrs

I've had sprint for 6yrs, and do not have a contract with them currently. I've had a problem with the last phone i had so i took it to their store last year may04 and they replaced it for free no question asked. Now that new phones are out i was trying to see how much of a rebate they would give me considering I've been on a month to month plan for about 4yrs.

Well when i called customer service the rep i spoke to, told me that because i've had a new phone (the replacement phone) for less then 18 months i would not qualify for any rebates not even the $150 by mail even if i tried to enroll in a new plan and agreed to a contract. Is this true or was i talking to an idiot?

What i don't understand is that i was never given a rebate nor...
2 replies
cricket dude

Mar 22, 2005, 10:12 PM

no contrac with sprint

when i was going to get sprint a few months ago i saw that i can get the month-to-month instead of the 1-2 year contrac for $10 more a month but i cant seem to find it when i went back on the sprints website...does any 1 know anything bout this ? if so can you tell me everthing and post it here..thanks!!
4 replies

Mar 21, 2005, 8:59 PM

End of Contract/# Porting Question

My current contract with Sprint PCS will be ending in the last week of April and I will not be renewing. If I go ahead and port my number to a new provider during this last month, will I be hit with the $150.00 cancellation fee?

Thanks for your assistance.
3 replies

Mar 21, 2005, 9:23 AM

Bluetooth phones??

Anyboy know when a clamshell bluetooth phone will be coming out?
1 reply

Mar 19, 2005, 1:01 PM

new contract reneg period

Does anyone know how long after signing new service agreement with Sprint you would have to return it and be able to void the contract? say for instance, I buy a contract and test the phone for coverage where I'm going to need it, how long do I have to return and cancel without being responsible for the contract? I know Verizon is 15 days, and some others are 30 days.
1 reply

Feb 9, 2005, 11:53 AM

Sprint's text messaging

When is sprint going to update their text mess. format? im tired of having to get off the phone to check the text messages i receive while im on a call. All the other carriers have the function where you can send, receive, and review while your on the phone. 😢 Good thing my contract is up march 7
20 replies

Mar 18, 2005, 11:58 PM

Lost sprint fone, temporary one for a couple months?

So i lost my sanyo fone and my contract runs out in two months. Anyone have a suggestion as to how I can get fone super cheap or free just for the next couple of months? Can i get a used one from someone and activate it?

Thanks much
1 reply

Mar 19, 2005, 12:58 PM

number porting to new market

I’m not too familiar with Sprint’s policies and am curious as to how they would handle porting an out of area phone number (and also from another provider) to an add-a-line on an existing contract. I wouldn’t want to do this and find out afterward that Sprint would demand this new line be on a separate contract, because calls were being made from another market. I thought I had read at some point where certain providers would surcharge you if more than a certain amount of your calls came from a market other than the one the contract was based out of. Part two of this would be if you had an existing contract and you relocated to another market how long would it be before they forced you to change numbers to the new market? I'm thinking ...
1 reply

Mar 18, 2005, 12:42 AM

this is a general sprint question for all u sprint gurus

my buddie got in an accident and took pictures with his sprint phone.. now he needz these pictures developed so he can send them to the insurance and ****.. well he has tried everything picture message email etc.. nothing reqognizes the pictures.. how is he sapose to utilize these if i can't anthing to see the pics

thankz for ur help in advance
3 replies

Mar 11, 2005, 11:53 PM

Using phone to call ISP's

Is there anything 'illegal' or wrong about using your cell phone to call to an ISP using your plan minutes? Is there anything in Sprint contracts that specifically prohibits it's use? In other words, if I call an ISP in the evening it is free then, right?
8 replies

Mar 17, 2005, 7:14 PM

Samsung SPH-A760 / RL-A760

Ok folks, a little help please...

I am really interested in the Samsung SPH-A760 / RL-A760. I have read the reviews here on PhoneScoop and others (C|Net, etc...) and have not found a great deal of information. There are only 5 reviews of this phone on PhoneScoop and is receiving a less than stellar rating. Due to the low number of reviews, I am still considering the phone as it has all the features I require and no camera (can't have at the day job...).

The reason I ask is I have read reviews in the and sometimes take them with a grain of salt as the info can be inaccurate. I currently have a Samsung N400 and judging by the reviews on it one would think it was a big piece of crap, but it has been a solid phone for me and has taken qui...

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