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Mar 10, 2005, 3:20 AM

Rollover or Fair&Flexible?

What would you rather have?
11 replies

Mar 16, 2005, 11:16 AM

SMS voice messaging?

Ok, i'm looking through our new Sprint PCS vision brochures right now and on page 10 at the top its talking about sms voice messaging. What in the world is that!? I know i've been on vacation for two weeks, but seriously... Is it a new service we're offering or have we always offered it and i just wasn't trained on it!?

If it's what the name implies, does that mean you can speak into the phone and it will type out what you say? cause that would be saaweeet.
2 replies

Mar 16, 2005, 11:04 PM

Great future for Sprint-Nextel

Nextel showcases QChat and Direct-Connect interoperability at CTIA.

http://biz.yahoo.com/bw/050314/145807_1.html »
1 reply

Mar 14, 2005, 10:04 PM

Verizon phone on sprint network

I have a old verizon phone(Motorola v60c) and I'm not with verizon anymore. Is there any way I can use it on sprint network, because I'm not ready for the new phone from sprint yet. If it is possible, how do I go about it?. Any info appreciated. Thanks
2 replies

Mar 11, 2005, 4:06 PM

Any new phones coming out?

My RCC told me that they were getting 6 new phones in this next week. But couldn't tell me which models they were (so I could investigate them). Knowing that each store has different models, are there any new phones comming out w/ BT?
Great site Rich!
2 replies

Mar 14, 2005, 10:50 AM

When are they comming out with the Sprint-Nextel Phone?

When will they be comming out with the Sprint-Nextel phone and does anyone have a coverage map for the new company or know of where i can look at one...thanks
1 reply

Mar 11, 2005, 8:05 PM

Samsung a680 update?

Is there gonig to be an update to the a680? I want to get one but im also willing to wait til an updated version of it comes out.
1 reply

Feb 17, 2005, 7:00 PM

taken advantage of... (legal advice)

Giving a 150 to 200 dollars just isn't enough for some people apparently!....

So i had this situation happen tonight at one our kiosk's in a mall in TN...

if you have old brochures out and a customer wants a deal on a phone based on what you have out, but for some reason in that time you have changed the promotion material reflecting the new sales, could the customer still get the old promotional price LEGALLY if they pressed the issue? What if you have the "offer expires xx/xx/xxxx in the small print on your brochures"? Is that enough to get you through?

My customer from hell "explained" the false advertising law to me and was also trying to tell me that because the promotional material was old, and still out because we haven't got...
32 replies

Mar 9, 2005, 7:52 PM

Samsung a620 stuck on headset mode.

I plugged in a headset to see how good it worked. I didnt really like it so i took it out. I didnt notice till later that i couldnt hear ppl when i called them nor could they hear me. I pressed the volume keys and it said HEADSET volume 8. The key tones were also disabled. It said PRIV. Key 8. Is there anyway to fix this? Also if i cant would the a680 be a nice phone?
1 reply

Feb 9, 2005, 3:30 PM

New A800

Just saw the A800 at work yesterday and i must say. it is awesome! Looks just like a digital camera when its slid down. very sharp pic quality (2 m-pixel). also saw the 5600 and it is very big. like the size of a nextel. the samsung rep told me they would be coming out with a 5 m-pixel by the end of this year. A-800 is due out at the end of March, early April.
12 replies

Feb 19, 2005, 2:24 PM

I'm at 14 months on a 12-month contract. But I can't buy a new phone?

What options do I have?

Can I buy an all-new phone and an all-new contract from an online vendor like Amazon? Or would that still not count as a new activation?

I would even be willing to get a new number if it saved me money.

Could I buy a new phone/number and eventually cancel my existing number?

Or, can I do an ESN swap once I have the new phone/contract?
15 replies

Mar 8, 2005, 8:03 PM

what's Sprint gonna do with EV-DO?

does anybody know what new things sprint cust are gonna be able to do once they launch EV-DO? i been seeing commercials about the world of music shrinking to fit on Verizon phones and i was wondering what sprint would do with it...could we possibly see things like video-conferencing or what?
6 replies

Mar 9, 2005, 3:08 AM

Question about the Sprint Nextel merge

Sorry if already asked but just some questions.

Does anyone know if when sprint and nextel merge that we will be able to use the current sanyo phones with ready link to 2 way with nextel customers? will there be a whole new set of phones coming out? or will they just need to be updated to be on the same network?
3 replies

Mar 3, 2005, 12:51 PM

Sprint Vs. T-Mobile in or near 937 Area Code?

I've been a T-Mobile customer for over a year now. Just got a renewed contract for a new, free phone upgrade, but don't think I made the right decision. Wanted to try Cingular, but my credit would force me to pay a $600 deposit AND pay for a new phone! (Which is dumb)

I don't know how Sprint is within my area compared to T-Mobile or how there credit check policies are. Would I still be doomed to pay a horrendous $600 deposit to switch (on top of the $200 early termination fee with T-Mobile)?

T-Mobile has been having some issues lately and my service is kinda iffy at best these days. Someone help me. ☹️
5 replies

Mar 2, 2005, 9:18 PM

Samsung VGA 1000 Problem. Please help!

While I was charging my phone the keypad got really hot along with the battery.(The battery had two bars by the way.) I turned the phone off and took out the battery to let it cool. Whe I turned it back on, the folder tone soounded scratchy the battery meter showed three bars but no other sounds would play. The battery heated up again so i turned on/off again. This time the menu sound effects were on and the ringtones were playing but there was stilll a scratchy sound.(The battery was still on three.) So i powered it on/off again. Everything aside from the keypad tones was working then the battery died!! Can anyone tell me what was wrong with my phone? ☹️
2 replies

Mar 4, 2005, 12:21 PM

I'm selling a buddy my Treo - how to do ESN swap?

Can he just call the 800 number when he has the Treo, or does he have to go into a store?

How long does it take?

Trying to port my number out now; waiting to see if the port takes before sending to him.

If port fails, I will just cancel my account. Does the timing of my cancellation matter, or as long as it's a Sprint phone, will the experience be the same for him?

9 replies

Mar 5, 2005, 9:30 AM


Does anyone know when a new phone is comming out??

other than the MM-5600 ☹️ 😉
3 replies

Mar 1, 2005, 5:34 PM

Coverage, Merger, and MM-5600

Sprint's actual coverage where I am is like 2 miles away...but after hearing what Sanyo's are like in terms of wonderful reception and the pending Sprint-Nextel merger, is Sprint really worth considering changing carriers for?
1 reply

Jan 16, 2005, 12:37 AM

Sprint Retention Rate Plans

Does anyone know of the Sprint Retention Plan offers? I have been a long time customer and am contemplating leaving Sprint as a wireless carrier. I am a heavy wireless user and want to know if any of the retention plans will be worth the offering.
10 replies

Feb 6, 2005, 1:16 PM

Indirect Agents ?'s

I was wondering what the indirect dealers get for discounts on their rate plans and phones? If you do get one please let me know, send me an email to pizpiz80@msn.com, thanks. 😁
1 reply

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