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May 28, 2005, 12:55 AM

LG MM-535 vs. Sanyo MM-5600...FIGHT! (Please help)

alright, here's the sitch:
1) I'm a college student
2) I currently own the Audiovox 6600, which I like most of the time.
3) I don't like having to take the huge PDA phone out to the bars/parties...plus pain in the ass to find a number in the contacts while driving...which is a major disadvantage.

SO: I figure I'll get a second phone put on my bill so I can have one that fits/works for going out partying.

Problem: I *love* my mp3 ringtones...i love assigning different songs to different people. I've been trying to do research on the best phone to use for my purposes (I plan on forwarding calls from my 6600 or something...that's another issue that i'll probably ask advise on later), anyways...i've seen on both forums that both do and ...
2 replies

May 19, 2005, 10:15 AM

Sanyo SCP 8200

Does anyone else have problems with the 8200, basically just turning its self off then on for no reason. it will just be sitting there on my desk and then it restarts! 😲
4 replies

May 26, 2005, 9:06 PM

Any New Phones?

Does anyone know if there are any Sprint phones coming out soon that have a camera, MP3 player and bluetooth?
2 replies

May 16, 2005, 6:50 PM


I'm not trying to flame, but why did the marketing department seem to get a different coverage map for the commercials than is what is on the website? I saw one of the new commercials and at the end it said something about Sprint's network covering 290 million people and the map was GINORMOUS!

I thought to myself, "did Sprint sign all the roaming agreements and get the full CDMA map now?" So I went to the website and saw the same "blood vein" coverage for home network calling, not the blanket coverage that the commercial showed!

Explain? I'm so confused!

"It ain't broke, it just needs duct tape!"
19 replies

May 13, 2005, 4:19 PM

Thinking about going back to Sprint

I was with Sprint up to a few years ago, and left due to service problems, esp. when traveling out of town. Calls from my hometown, Chicago, would not go through, not even to voice mail.
Has the nationwide service gotten any better? Is the call quality generally good nationwide, and do calls from other cities go through OK?
Or, should I renew with Verizon for another year or 2? I like Sprint's plans and phones. But the most important thing to me is to get my calls wherever I am, and have good call quality.
Any advice?
12 replies

May 22, 2005, 10:53 PM

cable and software to move pic to pc

🙂 a friend of mine is adding a new phone and want to take pics off his samsung SPH-A620 to add to his new phone. we need cable and software to move them to PC. If there is another way to do this please let me know i don't know much about the phone. Thanks ahead of time for the help 😁
5 replies

May 23, 2005, 8:50 PM

Sending picture mail

Ok...I finally got my phone. Yay. But, I can't send any pictures! ghrrrr! It asks me to sbscirbe to the picture mail thing, and I do. Then it says Please Try Again Later.

It's making me really mad!

Can anyone help me, please?

1 reply
XxLiTtLe D 11xX

May 23, 2005, 3:15 PM

I have a Samsung A-670 can my friend use it on Sprint PCS

I have a Samsung A-670 can my friend use it on Sprint PCS?
1 reply

May 22, 2005, 8:59 PM


Does anyone know of any new Pda/Smartphones that sprint plan to release in the near future that have Ev-Do (besides the 6600)?
1 reply

May 16, 2005, 11:20 AM

Silly Question, but still need help

i used to have a nokia 6370, then the 3570, then the 3100, but i have gone with qwest and actually chose a sanyo, the scp 8200. I really enjoy this phone, except i kinda would like to have the nokia ringtones as well, does anyone know where i can download nokia ringtones for a sanyo? sounds crazy i know but i really did enjoy those ringtones
4 replies
trixie revolver

May 19, 2005, 4:15 PM


5 cds you are listening to this week...

1. misfits-collection 1
2. elvis-artist of the century box set
3. social distortion-sex, love and rock n roll
4. converge-you fail me
5. the daughters-canada songs
1 reply

May 12, 2005, 11:21 AM

Call quality - Motorola vs. others

I'm thinking about switching over to Sprint because of their superior coverage where I work. One major BEEF I have with all cellphone carriers is the tendency of their phones to "hang-on" to a marginal signal of their own carrier (instead of roaming), even when call quality suffers. Of course, the phones generally don't let you override and "force" them onto a particular network.

I read a few posts about the Motorola V60 which were encouraging as far as call quality, even with marginal signal. I basically want a phone that works, and if it needs to hop over to Verizon's network and "roam," then that should happen. Any feedback is greatly appreciated!

6 replies

May 18, 2005, 7:16 PM

Treo 650

does anyone know the phone book capacity of the treo 650?? i can't find it on the spec sheets anywhere.

thanks in advance,
2 replies

Apr 23, 2005, 10:58 PM

Question for sales or customer support.

Anyone else find the third party hotline a waste of f'ing time?

Answer this, and maybe share a horror story.

Maybe sprint should just die already. Seriously, I had a customer switch to Verizon and cancel Sprint today because of the absolutely horrible 3rd party service (the elite crack team of super reps designed to help us, the salespeople, do our jobs efficiently.)

First girl, indian. Couldnt figure out what area code to give me, kept trying to give me numbers (area codes) out of IL (we are nowhere near IL). Puts me on hold. Cant figure out what to do to the account, asks me what plan she wants. Customer gets frustrated, wants to talk to rep. I get put on hold, hung up on.

Total call time: 25 mintues. (Our cordles...
30 replies

Apr 27, 2005, 12:54 PM

Ever had a problem that customer care could not resolve?

Tell me about it!
5 replies

May 5, 2005, 5:23 PM

hey Sprint_Gold_Spec can you clear up this tower mystery

I was speaking with a local brick and mortar agent the other day, and he told me something I don't think makes sense. He said that Sprint roams on all of the local Verizon towers. Being a current Verizon customer who has been searching for more dependable coverage, and having personally spent a good deal of time researching the local tower issue, this doesn't make sense to me. 4 years ago, Verizon customers were allowed to roam on the only local Sprint tower (yes, there's only one), and at some point that was closed to us. That's when signal got a lot worse at the house since the Sprint tower is closer to us than any of the Verizon towers. Currently I'm searching for a better solution, since Verizon seems to be like swiss cheese here. ...
20 replies

Apr 22, 2005, 12:02 PM

The MM7400 and the & the 7300

Does anyone know when sanyo is going to release a phone like the mm7400 or 7300 that has that very durable feel and rubber covering on it? Both phones are nice but the amount of memory on each is very small and the camara is not a 1+megapix camara. Something the same size as each of them and a removable memory or something that has atleast 10 to 20 mb for storage. Any info will help thanks...
2 replies

May 14, 2005, 3:06 PM

Sprint and MMS?

Can I sent or recieve pics messages from other carriers or sprint only?
2 replies

May 14, 2005, 9:51 AM

Looking for a Samsung A740 or A680

I'm looking for a Samsung PM/SPH-A740 or a Samsung VM A680. I'm just looking to buy the phone...no plan or anything, so I'm being asked for the original retail price. Well, I'm looking for something a tad cheaper. I've gone to ebay, but people seem to want the same phone...any other places to get this phone? Anyone selling one?
2 replies

May 13, 2005, 8:00 AM

How can I create streaming video and video

For the MM phones I wanna use the MultiMedia portion of my phone but not be forced to PAY for music choice or any of the OTHER channels

Please help me

oh and where could I host these files to stream to my phone???? 🙄 😕
2 replies

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