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big j

Jun 17, 2005, 2:58 PM


i got a question and maybe it has already been answered..... but if you compare Sprints map and nextels map they are not that great specially when compared to cingulars or verizons so how did they get the new coverage map they are advertising the one that has like 90% of the U.S. covered ๐Ÿ˜•
14 replies

Jun 5, 2005, 12:55 PM


What benefits, if any at all, are supposed to come of the merger with Nextel?
7 replies

Jun 8, 2005, 12:26 PM


is there any instant rebates on customers who are upgrading?
10 replies

Apr 21, 2005, 3:17 PM

Another god awful CC experience from Sprintรขโ€žยข

Background: Just started working for VZW, had two Sprint phones. VZW gives us a pretty good discount, so I decided I wanted to cancel ONE of the phones (on a share plan) and convert it to a single plan.

I called CC and said I wanted to cancel one of lines. I was not asked for an explanation, and no save attempt was made at all (I've been a customer with them since 2000 and spend over $125 a month). My ONLY request was that the ETF fee be added to my final bill for the one line, and that service NOT be interrupted for the second. The rep says that's not a problem, and then proceeds to disconnect both lines. Apparently he forgot that the ETF would put my account over it's idiotic (and never requested) $200 spending limit (which neve...
36 replies

Jun 15, 2005, 2:17 PM

sanyo 9000/ and 6400

Has any one have information about the sanyo 9000/ and 6400. I know that the sanyo 6400 will be slim and it will have rl, but the phone is not mm.

May 30, 2005, 3:07 PM


I went to the same company-owned store I bought my Sanyo 7400 from a couple of months ago, starting a new two-year contract.
The earpiece got progressively worse in sound-quality, as for me to hardly understand the conversation.
I asked for a replacement or repair. After they looked at it, they said no, as there was "nothing wrong with the phone." There sure was, with the sound quality absolutely terrible. While waiting for my phone, I tested other Sanyo phones in the store. Many sounded bad too, my mine sounded the worse.
The phone in its present condition is worthless to me. So I call up Sprint directly. They said they couldn't help me. So I said fine, just cancel the account, refund the purchase price for my phone after the $150...
15 replies

Jun 12, 2005, 5:33 PM

roaming option

I just signed up for sprint service.If you are roaming does the pcs to pcs apply or does it come off your anytime minutes?When roaming at night/weekends does the night and weekends come off of your regular minutes or night/weekends? ๐Ÿ™‚
1 reply

Jun 9, 2005, 4:23 PM

A little rant about CC

This is not meant to offend or attack any responsible, hard working Customer Care Rep. If I offend anybody, I apologize in advance.

With that being said, let me get to the core of my frustration. There are certain CC reps in this business who have absolutely no manners, no ability to speak proper English, and no idea what the hell they are doing. These reps repeat their broken English, hang up on you INTENTIONALLY so that they can get away from actually having to do something, and transfer you from dept. to dept. because they have no sense of responsibility! It's so sickening having to call CC over and over and over and over while a customer is in front of me, only to get nowhere time and time again, be it from disconnections or just ...
5 replies

Jun 6, 2005, 12:26 PM

Samsung SPH-A760 / RL-A760

I am going to re-post the question - Surely someone has experience with this phone???? I asked Sprint and (of course) there are no issues...

Ok folks, a little help please...

I am really interested in the Samsung SPH-A760 / RL-A760. I have read the reviews here on PhoneScoop and others (C|Net, etc...) and have not found a great deal of information. There are only 5 reviews of this phone on PhoneScoop and is receiving a less than stellar rating. Due to the low number of reviews, I am still considering the phone as it has all the features I require and no camera (can't have at the day job...).

The reason I ask is I have read reviews in the and sometimes take them with a grain of salt as the info can be inaccurate. I currently have ...
5 replies

Jun 9, 2005, 12:43 AM


What is the pcs clear pay program? Does everyone pay a deposit?
5 replies

Jun 11, 2005, 11:36 PM

WTB any cheap Sprint PCS phone!

hey guys my brother's birthday is coming up and i want to get him a phone. he doesn't like flips so i would prefer a candy bar style type. preferably a nokia 6225. anyone got one for dirt cheap? $20-$30?? if so, email me at SanyoGeek@yahoo.com
1 reply

Jun 10, 2005, 1:29 AM

Free Ring Tones

Everyone I know downloads free ring tones from 3gforfree.com ,but for some reason my internet broswer will not let me use the site ,so does anyone know of any other free ring tone site?
1 reply

Jun 9, 2005, 12:40 AM


What is charge for data usage when you download ring tones and screen saver if you do not pay for psc vision?
3 replies

Jun 4, 2005, 3:52 PM

do i really need to have access to the net to get customer service????

i just called customer service and talked to this rep and i was told that if i had further questions in regards to some usage in my account the only way to find out bout what was to go online, log in to view my account and check myself...i lied to her by telling her i didnt have access to a computer and the internet...and then she said.. "well you can always go to the library and ask for help" i mean...since when do cellphone companies send their customers to a public library to find out bout their bills? and isn't it customer service "supposed" to provide help to their customers? this just made me realized how much more sprints sucks!!! ๐Ÿ˜ก
13 replies

Jun 10, 2005, 10:27 AM

adding a new line to an account

Ok, Im going on just under 18 month with my service. I have 2000 minutes shared between 2 phones with a 200 dollar credit limit. My bill a month comes to just over 100 a month. I was interested in adding a new line to my plan to share my minutes. I call customer service and they tell me that I need to wait until I get an offer in the mail to do so. Is that true, I cant just go and add an additional phone shared for an addidtional 20 a month??

any suggestions or recommendations to speed up the process??

Thanks in advance
3 replies

Jun 9, 2005, 5:31 PM

Sprint and verizon

Does anyone if its possible to send a picture message to verizon from a sprint phone? is it possible vice versa?
3 replies

Jun 7, 2005, 8:58 PM

Samsung MM-A800

Can anyone that currently owns (or use to own) this phone give me a user's opinion on how the phone performs? Battery life, Signal, Reception, Earpiece/Speaker Volume (Calls, MP3s/Music, Sound FX), Applications (Camera, Sprint PCS Vision services, Games, MP3 Player, etc.), and Speech-to-text messaging.

I've played around with it at Best Buy a few different times, but would like to read some in-depth, personal reviews of people that currently own the Samsung MM-A800.

(I've already read the User Reviews on this site and a few others, so no need to point me to those).

Thanks in advance.
1 reply

Jun 8, 2005, 1:29 PM

Network busy, try again!

This morning i wake up and my phone will not connect to readylink, so i try to make a call to a friend, it gives me a busy signal and the phone reads "Network busy, try again". so i try about 4 or 5 people. same thing! i try 611, same message. so i try 911(i know bad!) nothing it just beeps at me and never gives me that message. i took out the battery and se started the phone nothing( by the way this is the sanyo 8200) the only way i could make or recieve a call this morning was on roaming analog! well it finally started to wrk later this morning. i wonder what was gaoing on? why did this happen?
3 replies

Jun 5, 2005, 7:07 PM

New Sprint Plans advertising.. More Coverage?

Whats the story with the new Sprint commericals saying more coverage than any other carrier, I think we all agree it is a load of bull but I just wanted to know their claim and what they mean, I know VZW has the most coverage followed by Cingular but if I was a regular customer I would think that Sprint would have more coverage with no roaming charges than any other carrier, what is the true catch? Thanks
9 replies

Jun 7, 2005, 8:42 PM

Question on coverage

My step dad works for a bank out in Las Vegas, and is on a plan with several others. It is the local plan (don't know the name exactly) that includes California and Nevada. So when he comes home into Des Moines, where there is Sprint service but outside the local calling area, is there roaming charges?
1 reply

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