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Jan 10, 2005, 9:33 PM

Using Sprint Phone as a Modem for another computer

Most of the other carriers offer "data capable" phones. Spoke to Sprint. Say they only offer the "phone as web browser package" (not what we care about) but that with the proper USB cable and the package, you can use their service to use the phone as a modem. She did say "technically you're not supposed to." (What's that supposed to mean?)Has anyone used Sprint service to use their cell phone as a modem?

4 replies

May 13, 2005, 6:10 PM

New Palm-based PDA Smart Phones?

Is sprint planning on introducing a new Palm-based PDA Smart phone anytime soon? If so, does anyone know what it will be or when it will be introduced?

May 12, 2005, 9:47 PM

Paper Contracts

I finally got paper contracts for Sprint today! I guess Sprint got tired of lack of records when FAST went down.
2 replies

May 10, 2005, 12:38 PM

Plan difference?

Does anyone know why in different states there are different plans? For example I go to school in PA, and the plans there are 10.00 a month for only 100 roaming mins. Where in NJ and online you pay 5.00 a month to be able to use half of your mins for roaming. Then, another plan had roaming included in the plan for unlimited. Can anyone one explain?
2 replies

May 10, 2005, 2:01 PM

Sprint Plans - Do they use the Verizon network?

Here's my dilemma... at work (a hospital) the Sprint coverage is great, and Verizon is marginal. Outside of the hospital, I am overall more impressed with Verizon's coverage (Portland, Oregon).

Verizon uses the Sprint network when VZW towers are unavailable, at no additional cost. Does Sprint do the same thing?

1 reply

May 6, 2005, 10:04 PM

How to add-a-line

Hello, I'm a sprint customer who is a Cingular Cust Care rep...^^ Okay, really, I'm just wondering how would I go about adding a line with Sprint. Can I do it on the website? Cust Care? or do I have to go to the store? Going to a store is something I really DONT want to do, because the stores in my areas (yes Sprint Express aswell) are always packed! I'm just wondering....


2 replies

May 2, 2005, 1:21 PM

cdma leaps ahead and leaves gsm in the dust.

every one is moveing to cdma ev-do verizon is well on there way to network wide ev-do sprint is finally getting off it's duff and should have ev-do network wide with in a year, altel has in in three cities, and nextel will be moveing to ev-do if the merdger falls threw, and if it goes threw they will be moveing to sprints ev-do network.

but what about the gsm carriers? for the longest time they have had edge wich for the sake of argument was equal to cdma2000 but what will cingular do now? i mean they just finished there gsm role out and have not even finished there edge role out? will they ever be caught up? or what about t-mob? the ones who are still on 2g?

i was just thinking in the next year cdma will be takeing a huge jump forwa...
12 replies

May 5, 2005, 9:38 PM

30 NEW Sprint Treo 650 for sale on ebay $463 Buy It Now NO CONTRACT>>

4 replies

May 2, 2005, 3:31 PM

Tower Map?

Does Sprint have a tower map to see where all of their towers are located?
3 replies
big d

Apr 28, 2005, 9:41 AM

Free Ring Tones

Can anybody suggest a website with free ringtones..I would like to donwload to my Samsung 680..

4 replies

May 2, 2005, 12:16 PM

Sprint and Coverage

A few days ago i was speaking with a Sprint Rep. at one of the stores around my area and i was talking about switching to sprint from my current verizon account that i have. I told the gentleman that i was looking at nextel to switch to as well and he told me that right now they are in the process of "redoing" their towers to meet sprints requirements and then anything that is nextel now will be sprint in about 6-9 months the earliest? Has anyone got news about this...Thanks...
6 replies

Apr 29, 2005, 7:09 PM

Customer Service

This is absolutely ridiculous, I remember there was a day and time. Where SprintPcs had the worst customer service ever, and they said they would get better, which I have seen.

But now, they don't get smart with customers anymore but they are all dumb and don't know what they are doing.


Recently, I bought a Sanyo 5600 like April 16th, and when I bought it, I requested the Multimedia Package, which is $30. It includes Unlimited Vision, Unlimited Ready Link, Unlimited Pictures/Videos, and 100 text Messages.

They told me if I wanted Unlimited Text Message, I would have to pay $5 dollars, I said cool add it.

On the 18th I was unable to to access my Sprint E-mail. I called ...
7 replies
big d

Apr 28, 2005, 9:40 AM

A new phone

I have the Samsung 680 and wouldlike to trade up for a new phone...Most important is a small phone with limited bell and whistles.. All recommendations appreciated
2 replies

Apr 27, 2005, 6:26 PM


I want to know if something's changed in the year since I had SprintPCS. I have a friend who said his brother who has Sprint told him that he can only keep his ringtones for 3 mo, at which point, it is then DELETED FROM THE PHONE. Now, from what I remember of Sprint, is that it is stored in the Vision Vault (or something like that) for 90 days, and then removed from the vault ONLY. As long as it's downloaded to the handset, you can keep it until you delete it. Is this still the case, or has it changed? 😕
4 replies

Apr 28, 2005, 8:41 AM

Great combined numbers for nextel/sprint for quarter 1 2005

nextel= 810k including boost, 494k not including boost.

sprint= 1.3 million

total= 2.1 million including boost, 1.794 million not including boost.

very good job for the quarter and against the other providers out there.

cingular= 1.4 million
verizon= 1.64 million

Apr 26, 2005, 9:40 PM

EV-DO pda phone ?

I know that EVDO isn't out yet for Sprint. I know that is will be out one of these days. I was wondering if anyone knows about any EVDO pda phones that may come out for Sprint. I'm looking for a Pocket PC phone like the Audiovox 6600, but that uses EVDO. Thanks for any info.
3 replies

Mar 31, 2005, 4:07 AM

Gold Questions

Hi, I'm new here, I work for Sprint customer service, am a gold specialist and take retention/cancellation calls. If you have questions, ask away, I'm interested in helping.
18 replies

Apr 26, 2005, 1:14 PM

MM-535 by LG

Released on SPRINTPCS.com
1 reply

Apr 23, 2005, 5:23 PM

CUST CARE.. How long before u can ADD A LINE?

I posted Customer Care, but it's really for anyone that knows the correct answer...... How long do you have to be with SPRINT before you can add a line with $0 DEP????? Thanks in Advance.....

Have a good one 🙂
9 replies

Apr 24, 2005, 10:26 AM

how much would it cost to terminate my sprint contract?

I have been dissapointed in Sprint for the year I have had them. I was just wondering what it would cost to terminate my contract.
2 replies

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