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big d

Jul 19, 2005, 3:24 PM

Buying a new phone

I have had the A680 and have been very happy with it. I am always apprehensive to purchase a new phone as soon as it comes to marktet. Can anyone comment on the new Samsung 880 which I am thinking of buying.

All comments appreciated

Jul 19, 2005, 10:36 AM

Treo 650 vs. PPC-6600

Hi everyone! I am a newby here. I am interested in purchasing one of these phones but not quite sure which one to go with. I thought I'd ask you experts on here for your opinions. Please indicate why you like one over the other.
1 reply

Jul 19, 2005, 10:30 AM

Your customer care sprint ID

What do you guys identify yourselves with? Like, if I call and ask for you ID can you give it to me? What can you give to me? Thanks in advance
Cerebral Assassin

Jun 14, 2005, 12:08 PM

Anybody else get this?

Yet another day, with another clown who wants to argue over the amount of minutes they have gone over. How many people have to deal with the "I never go over my minutes/ That's impossible" customers? It drives me up a wall to waste these precious moments of my life arguing over whether or not you did or did not go over.

It's like trying to argue the fact that you snore. Somebody told you that snore NOT because they just felt like it..but because there was legitimate snoring. Same thing with overages...they aren't saying you went over just for the sake of saying you did...YOU DID! It's not hard to rack up minutes if you talk ALL DAY!!

That being said..thank you for listening to the rant. Sometimes you just gotta let it all out.

16 replies
big d

Jul 18, 2005, 7:35 AM

Samsung 880

I am looking to pucrhase this new phone by Samsung. Not in any stores in New York City that I know of....Can anyone tell me when it will arrive in stores.


Jul 14, 2005, 1:05 PM

samsung i730 & SprintPCS

Sprint sux!!!! when it comes to offering PDA choices. It has only one with PocketPC that is, Audiovox!

Does anybody from Sprint beta team, talk about upcoming PocketPC phones? Also when and if they consider i730 phones?

When is EVDO coming to Detroit?

9 replies

Jul 17, 2005, 6:20 PM

Upadte PRL

How do you update your PRL?Can anyone tell me what the latest PRL is?
1 reply

Jul 17, 2005, 6:25 PM

Love my Sprint Phone

I have tried every other carrier in my area and sprint is hands down the best!I have coverage and full bars in areas that i had little to none with Cingular.I also have great in building coverage with Sprint where i had none with Cingular.Great job guys in Knoxville Tn!

Jul 16, 2005, 10:43 AM

Any chance of converting this VZW phone to Sprint??

I have a LG 4400 phone that I want to give to a friend. He is a Sprint customer. On Ebay, I saw that people were selling Treo 650's from Sprint, that were "unlocked" in order to work with Verizon service. Anyone know if this is possible with other CDMA phones such as the 4400?

If this is possible, do you think there's any chance of finding a Sprint or VZW tech who would do this?

Thank you.
2 replies

Jul 14, 2005, 9:51 PM

Streaming audio from the UK...

Folks...I'd like to find a Sprint device that will allow me to listen to radio over the Internet, namely Virgin radio in the UK. Virgin streams many formats, including MP3. Anyone have any thoughts on this?

I thought the Sanyo MM8300 would work, but it times out every time I try to access the stream.

thanks! Mike Nassour

Jul 13, 2005, 4:28 PM

Alamosa and othe affiliates

What do you think the fate of the affiliates look like in this merger?
1 reply

Jul 13, 2005, 7:12 PM

What America thinks of the merger.


Jul 13, 2005, 1:10 PM

Does anyone know why the Samsung MM-A700 is not sold anymore?

I love that phone, and I was up for an upgrade next month and for some reason it has been replaced by the MM-880 and it doesn't have the rotating camera.... WHATS UP WITH THAT!!!
1 reply

Jul 13, 2005, 11:07 AM

Sprint has approved the deal too

well the deal has been approved by both shareholders.

i belive it was 70% shareholder approval by nextel's shareholder and 90% by sprint's shareholders.

time to move onto the fcc, and doj's approvals.
1 reply

Jul 3, 2005, 12:09 AM

Question about new phones

Ok, I'm thinking of switching to Sprint from Cingular (because of discount through work) and I've been asking my friends with Sprint what their opinion is and how their pricing and upgrades work. Some things just throw me off and I'll even call in to verify (not being able to change the plan unless your contract is up, for example). Both times I've called in, the rep wasn't too pleasent and confused me even more (monthly rate is $10 extra if I'm not under contract).

Here's the new confusion. My friend is under contract and is having problems with her phone. I suggested going on ebay or buying one at full price from Sprint. She said that different people have told her that Sprint will allow her to get another line on her account to ...
15 replies

Jul 12, 2005, 12:58 PM

Rebate Hell...

Not to sure where to start, but I work at a express sprint pcs store in my town. And I keep updated with new charges/plans and all that crap, I also keep very close tabs on my accounts as well as rebates ( upgrades ).

Well today I went and saw they had revised there upgrade site, and it now lists me as avaiable for a upgrade in November ( 9/01/2005 ) when it used to say it was avaiable for March ( 03/01/2005 ). And that was just for the 75$ rebate. I wasnt eligable for the 150 till 2006 of March, and now it says 2006 of November..? I have had the phone for almost 18 months now.. If not longer.

Last time I was aware ( I work here even ) that your upgrade status does not get extended unless you replace the PHONE, changes toward your ...
1 reply

Jul 6, 2005, 10:38 PM

Dead Forum

How come this forum and all the other ones are dead excpet Cingular.. This forum gets like one thread every couple of days. Where over at Cingular they get like 10 new threads a day?? I dont get it, so I thought I would just ask?? 🙄
27 replies

Jul 11, 2005, 9:11 PM

Add a line

I was wondering....if I add a line do I have to use a 2 year agreement. My brother wants to add me to his plan but I am not so sure about a 2 year agreement.
1 reply

Jul 5, 2005, 10:02 AM

Nights at 6

I read sprint is getting nights at 6pm. Crazy but cool.
13 replies

Jul 9, 2005, 2:21 AM


I was wondering how upgrades worked at Sprint. I have a friend that last had an upgrade about 25 months ago. About 6 months ago, her phone started messing up and her mom gave her one of her old ones. Well, that phone is messing up, but she said she was told that she can't upgrade (at a discounted price) because the last phone added to her account was only added 6 months ago. They don't go by the last time you upgrade, because their system can't hold the date. Instead, they go by the month the phone was added to your account.

This sounds very weird to me. At Cingular, we can upgrade after 21 months in a 24 month contract. At 20 months, if I buy a phone on Ebay, add it to my account, and use it as my primary phone, I can still upgra...
2 replies

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